- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Acute onset of Dyspnea, Tachypnea, Hypoxemia, and bilateral Interstitial Infiltrates
- Rapidly progresses to Respiratory Failure
- Non-Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (contrast with Congestive Heart Failure)
- Acute Lung Injury (ALI)
- Slightly less severe form of ARDS in hospitalized patients with less severe Hypoxemia than ARDS
- Acute Lung Injury (ALI)
- Adults: Up to 86 cases per 100,000 person years
- Children: 9.5 cases per 100,000 person years
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Adults: Up to 64 cases per 100,000 person years
- Children: 12.8 cases per 100,000 person years (18 to 27% mortality)
- ARDS results in 10% of U.S. ICU admissions, and 23% of Mechanical Ventilations
- Acute Lung Injury (ALI)
- References
- Acute, bilateral, complete lung inflammation
- Onset 24-48 hours after major Trauma or severe illness
- Variant of multi-system organ failure (e.g. Acute Tubular Necrosis, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)
- Often in a previously healthy patient with serious triggering event (e.g. Trauma, Sepsis)
- Exudative Phase: Neutrophil mediated endothelial damage
- Duration: 7-10 days
- Alveolar Macrophages release mediators triggering an inflammatory cascade
- Inflammatory mediator proliferation leads to Neutrophil accumulation within the lung microcirculation
- Neutrophils activate and cross the vascular endothelium and the alveolar epithelium
- Neutrophils release proteases, Cytokines, and reactive oxygen species
- Inflammatory mediator cause local destruction
- Vascular permeability increases to Protein rich fluid
- Gaps form at the alveolar epithelial barrier
- Alveolar cell (type I and II) necrosis
- Intravascular coagulation with microthrombi formation
- Local tissue effects ultimately decrease Lung Compliance and interfere with gas exchange
- Low-pressure Pulmonary Edema
- Diffuse alveolar-capillary membrane injury with increased permeability
- Protein rich fluid extravasates from capillaries and floods the alveoli
- Alveoli are then fluid filled, without ventilation, but still perfused
- Surfactant loss
- Hyaline membrane formation (accumulation of necrotic cells and debris within the alveoli)
- Decreased pulmonary compliance
- Decreased gas exchange
- Low-pressure Pulmonary Edema
- Fibrotic Phase (Ongoing Inflammation and Edema)
- Not universally present in ARDS, and confers worse prognosis
- May be provoked by Mechanical Ventilation (may be reduced by lung protective strategy)
- Fibroblasts infiltrate region of inflammation
- Ongoing inflammation and edema persists, and basement membrane destroyed
- Collagen deposition
- Intra-alveolar and Interstitial Fibrosis
- Disease progression
Proliferative Phase (Recovery)
- Duration: 14-21 days
- Neutrophils are deactivated by anti-inflammatory Cytokines
- Neutrophils undergo apoptosis and later Phagocytosis
- Alveolar cells proliferate
- Type II alveolar cells proliferate
- Type II alveolar cells differentiate into type I alveolar cells
- Osmotic gradient reverses
- Alveolar ion channels and aquaporins expressed
- Draws fluid out of alveoli and back into Lymphatics and lung microcirculation
- Endothelial cells reestablish vascular supply
- Macrophage and alveolar cell activity
- Remove debris and Protein depositions from the alveoli
- Models of pathogenesis
- ARDS is analogous to other system failures
- Surfactant disorder
- Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Fibrosis
- Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (chronic)
- Granulation
- Healing superficial Skin Wound
- Microatelectasis
- Chronic lung disease
- Alcoholism
- Age over 65 years
- ICU admission (7% develop ALI or ARDS)
- Mechanical Ventilation (16% develop ALI or ARDS)
- Direct lung injury (see causes below)
- Direct lung injury
- Pneumonia (highest risk of ARDS, responsible for 60% of ARDS cases)
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus
- Corona Virus 19 (COVID-19, SARS-CoV2)
- Gastric acid Aspiration Pneumonia
- Pulmonary Contusion
- Fat embolism
- Toxic Inhalation Injury
- Smoke Inhalation
- Chlorine
- Nitrogen dioxide
- Phosgene
- Ammonia
- Cocaine
- Clove Cigarettes
- Near-drowning (high risk)
- Severe Pulmonary Hemorrhage
- Oxygen Toxicity
- Indirect lung injury
- Non-Pulmonary Sepsis (responsible for 16% of ARDS cases)
- Multiple Trauma (high risk)
- Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
- Cardiopulmonary bypass (CABG)
- Burn Injury
- Acute Pancreatitis
- Drug Overdose (Heroin, Cocaine)
- Transfusion Reaction
- Ingestion
- Hydrocarbon Ingestion
- Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)
- Non-cardiac Pulmonary Edema
- High Altitude Pulmonary Edema
- Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema
- Heroin-induced Pulmonary Edema
- Infection (often in Immunocompromised patients)
- Miliary Tuberculosis
- Diffuse fungal infection
- Parasitic Infections
- Babesia species (Babesiosis)
- Pneumocystis carinii
- Plasmodium species (Malaria)
- Strongyloides stercoralis (Threadworm)
- Onset within 24-72 hours of triggering event
- Progressive Dyspnea
- Early
- Later
- Diffuse lung rhonchi or rales due to diffuse interstitial lung edema
- Acute Respiratory Failure
- No Peripheral Edema (differentiates from Congestive Heart Failure)
- Critical for assessment
- Most sensitive for identifying ARDS early
- See PaO2/FIO2 under diagnosis below
- Large A-a Gradient
Chest XRay
- Early: Diffuse, bilateral Interstitial Infiltrates
- Later: Diffuse fluffy infiltrates (Pulmonary Edema)
- No cardiomegaly or Pleural Effusions
Chest CT
- Acute Phase
- Bilateral alveolar opacities
- Air Bronchograms
- Bullae
- Pleural Effusions
- Fibroproliferative stage
- Bilateral reticular opacities
- Decreased Lung Volume
- Large bullae
- Acute Phase
- Criteria (Berlin)
- Acute onset within one week of known clinical disorder or new or worsening respiratory status
- Identifiable cause from above list
- Pulmonary Edema not fully explained by Congestive Heart Failure or Fluid Overload
- Pulmonary artery wedge pressure <19 mmHg or
- No signs of left atrial Hypertension
- Hypoxemia despite Supplemental Oxygen
- See PaO2 to FIO2 ratios below
- Bilateral Pulmonary Infiltrates on Chest XRay
- Not fully explained by effusions, lobar or lung collapse or Nodules
- Classification: Spectrum of lung injury based on PaO2/FIO2
- Resources
- Life in the Fast Lane
- References
- See Hypoxia
- Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
- ARDS is Non-Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
- Critical to distinguish ARDS from CHF, as CHF management is not effective in ARDS
- ARDS is managed with supportive care
- Avoid Furosemide and ACE Inhibitors in ARDS
- ARDS, in contrast to CHF
- Heart size is typically normal in ARDS (often difficult to distinguish)
- Left atrial Hypertension or volume overload are typically absent in ARDS
- Congestive Heart Failure is often accompanied by
- Edema
- Jugular Venous Distention
- S3 gallup
- Increased ntBNP
Pneumonia often has typical features
- Fever
- Pleuritic Chest Pain
- Productive cough
- Localized Pulmonary Infiltrate
- Many of these features can also be present in ARDS, but a Constellation of these symptoms suggests Pneumonia
- Pneumonia is also the most common cause of ARDS so may be difficult to distinguish from ARDS
- Hypoxia that does not improve wtih Supplemental Oxygen suggests ARDS
Pneumonia often has typical features
- Atypical infection
- Tuberculosis
- Fungal Pneumonia (e.g. Blastomycosis or Coccidioidomycosis)
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia
- General (Supportive care)
- See Ventilatory Support below
- Identify and treat underlying cause
- Example: Treat site-specific infections (e.g. Pneumonia)
- Conservative IV hydration to prevent Fluid Overload
- Excess intravascular fluid increases hydrostatic pressures at alveolar capillary with increased Pulmonary Edema
- Conservative fluid therapy titrated down to lower Central Venous Pressures (shortens ICU stay)
- Maintain adequate Cardiac Output but keep Central Venous Pressures and Wedge Pressure lower
- Maximize Nutrition
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (fish oil extract) effective
- Enteral Nutrition started within 24 to 48 hours of ICU admission (if intubation >3 days anticipated)
- Inotropic pressure support may be required
- Pulmonary artery catheters (and central venous catheters) are not routinely indicated
- Choose selectively in complicated fluid status, and then only by experienced clinicians
- Higher risk of complications without significantly improved outcomes
- Maintain adequate sedation and analgesia
Stress Ulcer prophylaxis
- Proton Pump Inhibitor (e.g. Protonix 40 mg IV) or
- Sucralfate 1 gram orally or via Nasogastric Tube four times daily or
- Ranitidine (e.g. Ranitidine 50 mg IV every 8 hours)
Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention
- Enoxaparin 40 mg SQ daily or
- Unfractionated Heparin 5000 units SQ twice daily or
- Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
- Prone position reduces dependent consolidation
- Prone patient for 12 to 16 hours per day
- Results in greater lung, alveolar recruitment and improves ventilation-perfusion matching
- Prone position requires adequate sedation, and is labor intensive to turn patient
- Prone position does not alter hemodynamic parameters
Inhaled Beta Agonists appear effective
- Reduce Ventilatory pressures and increase oxygenation
Corticosteroids have mixed outcome results
- Consult with a medical intensivist about use
- Hydrocortisone is a part of Sepsis protocols in fluid and Vasopressor refractory hemodynamic instability
- Older studies showed no consistent benefit in mortality reduction
- Some studies show Corticosteroids (e.g. Dexamethasone) decreases days on mechanical Ventilator and mortality
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
- Supported as of 2020, in formal guidelines for severe ARDS management
- However, ECMO is not uniformly effective in severe ARDS
- Most indicated as an emergency rescue measure when Mechanical Ventilation is failing
- Combes (2018) N Engl J Med 378(21): 1965-75 +PMID:29791822 [PubMed]
- Measures not proven effective
- Inhaled nitric oxide
- Has been used in severe ARDS, prior to ECMO
- No strong evidence of benefit and may be harmful
- Gebistorf (2016) (6):CD002787 Cochrane Database Syst Rev +PMID: 27347773 [PubMed]
- Aerosolized surfactant replacement
- N-Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
- Vasodilators (e.g. Nitroprusside, Hydralazine)
- Prophylactic Antibiotics
- Prophylactic Chest Tubes
- Inhaled nitric oxide
- Measures used in Congestive Heart Failure will not be effective in ARDS
- Furosemide will not be effective in ARDS
- ACE Inhibitors will not be effective for ARDS
- Nitroglycerin will not be effective for ARDS
- Experimental methods under current evaluation
- Liquid ventilation (lung filled with perfluorocarbon)
- Surfactant is not recommended for ARDS (outside the perinatal period)
- Sarkar (2014) Anesth Essays Res 8(3): 277-82 +PMID: 25886321 [PubMed]
Tracheostomy Tube
- Consider Tracheostomy for prolonged intubation (anticipated >8 to 10 days)
- Mobilization therapy
- Encourage range of motion Exercises and even sitting and standing
- Reduces days on Ventilator as well as days in ICU
- Improved functional status after Extubation
- May require reduced sedation
- See Mechanical Ventilation
- Overall strategy
- Limiting Barotrauma decreases mortality in ARDS
- Start with Tidal Volume at 4-6 ml/kg initially
- Much lower than Tidal Volume in other conditions (typically 6-8, up to 8-10 ml/kg)
- Base Tidal Volume on Ideal Weight for height
- Lower FIO2 to avoid alveolar toxicity
- Set PEEP for maximal alveolar recruitment
- Start with PEEP 5 cm H20 and ideally titrate PEEP >12 cm H2O
- See PEEP Table (adjust in concert with FIO2)
- Monitor for reduced Cardiac Output
- Allow some hypercapnia to reduce Barotrauma risk (permissive hypercapnia)
- Lower minute volumes (lower Tidal Volume and rate)
- Titrate to PaCO2 up to 50 mmHg (permissive hypercapnia)
- PaCO2 >50 mmHg is associated with increased mortality
- Nin (2017) Intensive Care Med 43(2): 200-8 [PubMed]
- Titrate to pH of 7.20 to 7.30
- Maintain plateau pressure (inspiratory pressure) <30 cm H2O
- Other settings
- Inspiratory to expiratory ratio of 1:2 to 1:3
- Respiratory Rate up to 35 breaths per minute
- Weaning criteria
- Meeting oxygen requirements with non-invasive methods
- Hemodynamically stable
- Minute Ventilation is 15 Liters or less
- Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) is 5 cm H2O or less
- Tolerates 1-2 hour trials of spontaneous breathing
- Protects airway
- No Agitation
- Remains hemodyanmically stable
- Oxygen Saturation maintained at 90% or greater
- Respiratory frequency to Tidal Volume ratio maintained at 105 or less
- Respiratory Rate does not exceed 35 breaths per minute
- Nosocomial Infection
- Pneumothorax (Barotrauma related) in up to 41% of cases
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding (Stress Ulcer)
- Thromboembolism
- ARDS presents within 12-24 hours of antecedent event
- ARDS patients intubated within 72 hours in 90% cases
- High mortality rate
- Short-term mortality (ICU: 37%, overall: 42%)
- Most deaths are due to multi-organ failure
- Refractory Hypoxemia accounts for 16% of deaths
- Long-term mortality in the first 3 years following ALI or ARDS
- Mechanical Ventilation was required: 57% three year mortality
- ICU admission not requiring ventilation: 38% three year mortality
- No ICU admission or ventilation: 15% three year mortality
- Wunsch (2010) JAMA 303(9): 849-56 [PubMed]
- Short-term mortality (ICU: 37%, overall: 42%)
- Typical hospital course
- ICU stay averages 16 days
- Hospital stay averages 26 days
- Predictors of better prognosis
- Those who survive first 2 weeks have better prognosis
- Trauma related ARDS
- Best outcomes are at high volume centers where ARDS is commonly treated
- Age under 55 years
- Children under age 15 years have an overall mortality rate of 18% (contrast with 42% in adults)
- Zimmerman (2009) Pediatrics 124(1): 87-95 [PubMed]
- Predictors of poor prognosis
- Elderly (especially over age 70 years)
- Immunocompromised patients
- Chronic Liver Disease
- Increased dead space fraction
- Worsening multiorgan dysfunction
- Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE Score) high
- Follow-Up ICU Stay
- Applies to over 100,000 survivors of ARDS in United States annually
- See Post-ICU Ambulatory Care
- See Myopathy Following ICU Admission
- Anticipate Cognitive Impairment
- Anticipate lower quality of life
- Anticipate delayed return to work
- Anticipate decreased functional status (decreased walk distance)
- Anticipate prolonged respiratory recovery period
- Even at 5 years, some residual pulmonary function deficit persists
- Mortality in first 3 years is very high (see above)
- Higher morbidity with prolonged Mechanical Ventilation and ICU stay
- Psychiatric illness is common following ARDS episode
- Major Depression: Up to 43% of patients
- Anxiety Disorder: Up to 48% of patients
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Up to 35% of patients
- Herbert (2012) EM:RAP 2(2): 4
- Davies (1986) Acute Respiratory Failure, Cyberlog
- Fan (2017) Am J Respir Crit Care Med 195(9): 1253-63 +PMID:28459336 [PubMed]
- Griffiths (2019) BMJ Open Respir Res 6(1):e000420 [PubMed]
- Matthay (2011) Annu Rev Pathol 6:147-163 [PubMed]
- McIntyre (2000) Crit Care Med 28(9):3314-31 [PubMed]
- Mortelliti (2002) Am Fam Physician 65(9):1823-30 [PubMed]
- Papazian (2019) Ann Intensive Care 9(1):69 [PubMed]
- Rubenfeld (2005) N Engl J Med 353(16): 1685-93 [PubMed]
- Saguil (2012) Am Fam Physician 85(4): 352-8 [PubMed]
- Saguil (2020) Am Fam Physician 101(12):730-8 [PubMed]
- Udobi (2003) Am Fam Physician 67(2):315-22 [PubMed]
- Valta (1999) Crit Care Med 27(11):2367-74 [PubMed]
- Ware (2000) N Engl J Med 342:1334-49 [PubMed]