- Heart secretes natriuretic peptides
- Maintains Blood Pressure and Blood Volume
- Prevents excessive salt and water retention
- Specific activity of natriuretic peptides
- Suppresses Sympathetic Nervous System
- Suppresses renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system
- Stimulates diuresis
- Decreases Peripheral Vascular Resistance
- Increases Smooth Muscle relaxation
- Pathway for heart BNP release
- Left ventricular wall stretched by volume overload (increased end-diastolic pressure)
- Cardiac Muscle Cells secrete BNP precursor (pre-proBNP)
- Pre-proBNP converted to proBNP
- ProBNP cleaved into 2 parts
- C-terminal BNP (biologically active)
- N-Terminal BNP or NT-proBNP (biologically inactive)
Congestive Heart Failure Marker
- Distinguish acute CHF exacerbation from other acute Dyspnea Causes
- Examples: COPD, Pneumonia, Pulmonary Embolism, Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Risk stratify CHF exacerbation, identifying low risk patients (with established dry BNP baseline)
- Identify who may be appropriate for Emergency Department discharge
- Acute CHF prognosis indicator
- Decreased rate of readmission or death at 1 year if BNP decreased >50% during hospitalization
- Michtalik (2011) Am J Cardiol 107(8): 1191-5 [PubMed]
- Distinguish acute CHF exacerbation from other acute Dyspnea Causes
Dyspnea Evaluation
- Most useful for Negative Predictive Value (when evaluating the Dyspnea differential diagnosis)
- BNP<50-100 pg/ml (or NT-BNP <300 pg/ml) suggests other Dyspnea cause
- BNP >400-500 pg/ml suggests Acute Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure
- See below for age-based NT-BNP cutoffs
- BNP rise may be delayed hours following episode of flash Pulmonary Edema
- BNP Levels
- No Congestive Heart Failure
- BNP <50-100 pg/ml (Median BNP: 9 pg/ml)
- NT-BNP <300 pg/ml
- Cut-offs suggestive of Acute Dyspnea due to CHF
- BNP >400 pg/ml (Test Sensitivity: 82%, Test Specificity: 83%)
- NT-proBNP cut-offs based on age
- Age <50 years old: NT-BNP >450 pg/ml
- Age 50-75 years old: NT-BNP >900 pg/ml
- Age >75 years old: NT-BNP >1800 pg/ml
- Cut-offs in Obesity
- BNP levels are lower in obese patients (even with Heart Failure)
- BMI >35.0 kg/m2
- BNP >50 pg/ml is consistent with Heart Failure
- BMI >35.0 kg/m2
- Double the lab resulted BNP and use standardized cutoff for interpretation (i.e. >100 pg/ml)
- References
- Median BNPs for each Congestive Heart Failure class
- NYHA Class I CHF: Median BNP 83 pg/ml (49-137)
- NYHA Class II CHF: Median BNP 235 pg/ml (137-391)
- NYHA Class III CHF: Median BNP 459 pg/ml (200-871)
- NYHA Class IV CHF: Median BNP 1119 pg/ml (>728)
- Marker of mortality and cardiovascular events in the next 2-3 months
- BNP >200 pg/ml (goal <100 pg/ml)
- nt-BNP > 5180 pg/ml (goal <1700 pg/ml)
- Outpatient goals associated with lower exacerbation and hospitalization rates as well as mortality
- BNP <100 pg/ml
- nt-BNP <1700 pg/ml
- References
- Increased BNP level
Congestive Heart Failure
- BNP released from left ventricle
- Response to volume overload, pressure overload (increased end diastolic pressure)
- Chronic Heart Failure (establish a "dry" BNP baseline)
- Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
- Cardiac inflammation
- Myocarditis
- Cardiac Allograft rejection
- Kawasaki Disease
- Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
Renal Failure
- Avoid in Dialysis dependent patients unless there is a well-established BNP baseline
- Ascitic Cirrhosis
- Endocrine disease
- Age over 60 years old
- Women
- Medications that raise BNP
- Digoxin
- Beta Blockers (some)
- Artificially lowered BNP levels
- Diuretics (e.g. Spironolactone)
- ACE Inhibitors
- Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
- Consider doubling BNP level when Body Mass Index is >35
- Diastolic Dysfunction (Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction)
- Flash Pulmonary Edema with BNP obtained <1 hour (prior to BNP rise)
- Most effective for Negative Predictive Value
- See above under indications
- CHF very unlikely if BNP<50 pg/ml
- Primarily used in adults, but may be used in children with established cardiac disease
- Consider in children with known cardiac disease with acute illness resulting in Dyspnea
- BNP normal ranges are similar to adults
- Mayer (2008) Pediatrics 121(6):e1484-8 +PMID: 18519452 [PubMed]
- Trending does not offer benefit over usual care for inpatient CHF management
- Pang (2014) Crit Dec Emerg Med 28(9): 9-17
- Cheng (2001) J Am Coll Cardiol 37:386-91 [PubMed]
- Collins (2003) Ann Emerg Med 41:532-45 [PubMed]
- Dao (2001) J Am Coll Cardiol 37:379-85 [PubMed]
- Doust (2004) Arch Intern Med 164:1978-84 [PubMed]
- Mueller (2004) N Engl J Med 350:647-54 [PubMed]
- Wieczorek (2002) Am Heart J 144:834-9 [PubMed]