- See Fever
Fever is a sign of systemic inflammation, and is NOT synonymous with infection
- Not all Nosocomial Fever is infectious
- Healthcare staff are a significant source of Nosocomial Infection
- Protect patients with proper Hand Hygiene and Personal Protection Equipment (mask, gloves)
- Nosocomial Infection
- Prolonged ICU length of stay
- Gastric acid suppression (e.g. H2 Blockers, Proton Pump Inhibitors)
- Tracheostomy Tube
- Nasogastric Tube
- Intravenous catheters (esp. Central Lines)
- Endotracheal Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation
- Foley Catheters
- Recent surgery or implanted devices
- Surgical Site Infection (SSI) risk
Temperature measurement in the ICU in order of accuracy
- Pulmonary artery, Esophagus or Bladder catheters with thermistors (preferred)
- Rectal Temperature (avoid in Neutropenia)
- Oral Temperature
- Tympanic MembraneTemperature
- Avoid axillary and temporal artery Temperatures (too low accuracy)
Fever thresholds
- Body Temperature >38.0 C (100.4 F) in Immunocompromised (esp. Neutropenia)
- Body Temperature >38.3 C (101.0 F) in other patients
- Noninfectious Fever Causes (50% of cases)
- Common
- Systemic Inflammatory Response (SIRS)
- Tissue injury (major injury, tissue ischemia or infarction)
- Gastrointestinal release of inflammatory Cytokines and Endotoxin
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Early Postoperative Fever
- Major surgery
- Results in fever in 15-40% on postoperative day 1 (most without infection)
- Major surgery related early fever resolves in first 24-48 hours (if not infectious)
- Malignant Hyperthermia (Anesthetic induced)
- Atelectasis is NOT a cause of fever
- Atelectasis is coincidental with Post-operative Fever and resolves in the same timeline
- Major surgery
- Venous Thromboembolism
- Red Blood Cell Transfusion
- Occurs in 0.5% of RBC Transfusions, typically within first 6 hours
- Platelet Transfusion
- Occurs in 30% of Platelet Transfusions, related to antibodies to donor Leukocytes
- Systemic Inflammatory Response (SIRS)
- Uncommon
- Drug-Induced Fever
- Hypersensitivity Reaction (associated with Eosinophilia, rash)
- Idiosyncratic Reaction
- Drug-Induced Hyperthemia Syndromes (Muscle rigidity and fever >40 C)
- Acalculous Cholecystitis (1.5% of ICU patients)
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Acute Addisonian Crisis (Adrenal Hemorrhage)
- Iatrogenic fever
- Malfunctioning Temperature regulator on water mattress or Ventilator humidifier
- Drug-Induced Fever
- Nosocomial Infectious Fever Causes (50% of cases)
- Mnemonic (4Ws): Wind (Pneumonia), Water (UTI), Wound, Wires (IV)
- Gram Negative Bacteria (often with multi-drug resistance) account for >30% of Nosocomial Infections
- Common (76-78% of Nosocomial Infections)
- Nosocomial Pneumonia
- Intubated patients account for 83% of Nosocomial Pneumonia cases in ICU
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Indwelling Foley Catheters account for 97% of nosocomial Urinary Tract Infections in ICU (CAUTI)
- Bloodstream infections
- Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections account for 87% of bloodstream infections
- Surgical Site Infections
- Occurs at day 5-7 after surgery, with fever typically suggesting deep space infection
- Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection have onset within days of surgery and rapidly progress
- Nosocomial Pneumonia
- Uncommon
- Intubation Associated Sinusitis
- Associated with Nasotracheal tubes and Nasogastric Tubes
- Clostridium difficile Infection
- Consider patient specific predispositions for infection (e.g. Cirrhosis related Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis)
- Intubation Associated Sinusitis
- Laboratory testing should be directed at most likely causes (50% of cases are non-infectious)
Blood Cultures
- Obtain in all cases in which infectious cause is thought to be most likely
- Obtain at least 2 sets of Blood Cultures (each with 20-30 ml split over aerobic and anaerobic bottles)
- General
Temperature lowering
- Fever is not typically harmful, but is uncomfortable
- Acetaminophen 650 mg every 4-6 hours oral or rectal as needed
- Measures to avoid in Temperature lowering
- Avoid cooling blankets (outside of hyperthermia syndromes)
- Avoid NSAIDs in the Intensive Care unit
- Empiric Antibiotics
- Indications
- Infectious cause is thought most likely (50% of cases)
- Neutropenic patients (Absolute Neutrophil Count <500/mm3)
- Do not delay empiric therapy
- Empiric Antibiotic selection in the Intensive Care unit
- Broad spectrum Antibiotics that also cover Aerobic Gram Negative Rods
- Piperacillin/Tazobactam (Zosyn)
- Carbapenem (Imipenem or Meropenem)
- Cefepime
- Staphylococcus Coverage Indicated in suspected Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
- Vancomycin (avoid in cases where MRSA in unlikely)
- Linezolid (may be preferred in decreased Renal Function)
- Disseminated Candidiasis coverage indicated in Prolonged Fever (>3 days), Immunocompromised, recent Antibiotics
- Fluconazole (first-line)
- Caspofungin (Neutropenia)
- Broad spectrum Antibiotics that also cover Aerobic Gram Negative Rods
Antibiotics to avoid
- Fluoroquinolones
- Increased Antibiotic Resistance, Clostridium difficile, Neuropathy, Tendinopathy and Delirium
- Aminoglycosides
- Increased nephrotoxicity, without significant benefit from double coverage of Gram Negative Bacteria
- Fluoroquinolones
- All healthcare works should practice good Hand Hygiene
- Limit the use of invasive devices (Urinary Catheters, Central Lines, Mechanical Ventilation)
- Antibiotic Stewardship
- Internet Book of Critical Care (EMCRIT.org)
- Marino (2014) The ICU Book, p. 777-95