- Ventilator Troubleshooting
- Ventilator Weaning
- Rapid Sequence Intubation
- Endotracheal Intubation
- Post-Intubation Sedation and Analgesia
- Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- Continuous Positive Airways Pressure (CPAP)
- High Humidity High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HHFNC)
- Post-Cardiac Arrest Care
- Critical Care
- Ventilator Sharing
- See Advanced Airway
- Volume cycled (VC) Ventilators
- Newer devices
- Deliver constant volume independent of lung mechanics
- Best initial setting for most patients and typically used in ED (unless pressure needs to be limited)
- Example ideal patient: Metabolic Acidosis
- Easiest to implement for lung protective strategy
- Control over Tidal Volume (Vt), Minute Ventilation and minute volume
- Decreased risk of Ventilator-associated lung injuries
- However, pressure may increase unexpectedly with increased risk of lung injury
- Decreased Lung Compliance (stiff lungs, such as in ARDS)
- Increased airway resistance
- Acute forceful expiration (e.g. increased cough)
- Pressure Cycled (PC) Ventilators
- Initial Ventilator design
- Inflates lungs until preset pressure is reached
- Requires preset of ventilation duration (length of time pressure is applied, e.g. 1 second)
- Greater volume is administered when a given pressure is applied for a longer duration
- Difficult to keep inflation volume constant
- Best for patients for whom you wish to set a maximum inspiratory pressure
- Example ideal patient: ARDS (stiff lungs)
- Ventilator functions as a mechanical bellows
- Mechanical Ventilation Respiratory Cycle
- Inspiration Start (Triggering)
- Assisted Breath
- Patient initiates breath and Ventilator delivers breath at that time
- Manditory or Controlled Breath
- Breath is administered after a specific elapsed time (if no assisted breath taken)
- Assisted Breath
- Expiration Start (Cycling)
- Volume-Cycled Breath (Volume Assist-Control Breath)
- Preset Tidal Volume delivered over a specified time and flow curve (square, sine, decel)
- Increases peak pressures (up to limit) when there is increased airway resistance
- Time-Cycled Breath (Pressure Assist-Control Breath)
- Breath delivered with constant pressure for a preset time period
- Results in variable Tidal Volume delivered based on airway and lung resistance
- Flow-Cycled Breath (pressure support breath)
- Spontaneous ventilation mode with patient initiating every breath
- Ventilator delivers preset inspiratory pressure
- As patient ends inspiration, in-flow decreases, and Ventilator stops inspiration
- Volume-Cycled Breath (Volume Assist-Control Breath)
- Inspiration Start (Triggering)
Cardiac Output
- Enhanced by modest thoracic positive pressure
- Reduces left Ventricular Afterload
- Decreased by excessive intrathoracic pressure
- Reduces diastolic ventricular filling (Preload)
- Enhanced by modest thoracic positive pressure
- Ventilation Modes
- Assist Control (AC)
- Assist
- Patient initiates mechanical breath, and a preset Tidal Volume is delivered (volume-cycled breath)
- As alternative, the less common Time-Cycled Breath (Pressure Assist-Control Breath) may be used
- Control
- Provides ventilations that are not patient initiated at a back-up, minimum Respiratory Rate
- Total number of breaths = patient-initiated + Ventilator-initiated
- When the patient initiates no assisted breaths, known as Continuous Mechanical Ventilation (CMV)
- Seen in paralyzed patients or in Deep Sedation
- Indications
- Advantages over SIMV Mode
- Decreased work of breathing
- Decreased respiratory muscle Fatigue
- Better response to patient's Ventilatory needs (patient can increase Ventilatory support)
- Disadvantages
- Requires that patient and Ventilator breaths are synchronized and matched to demand
- Otherwise, results in increased work of breathing
- Risk of Breath Stacking (multiple full Tidal Volume breaths) and secondary Respiratory Alkalosis
- Increased risk in awake or Agitated Patients
- Barotrauma risk
- Excessive inspiratory pressure risk
- Requires that patient and Ventilator breaths are synchronized and matched to demand
- Presets
- Tidal Volume
- Respiratory Rate
- Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FIO2)
- Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- Assist
- Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)
- Background
- Delivers volume-cycled (or less commonly time-cycled breaths) at preset minimum rate
- Breaths are triggered by patient or after elapsed time (based on minumum rate)
- Breaths are supported up to a preset minimum (mandatory) rate
- Breaths above the minumum rate are not supported (unless SIMV combined with pressure support)
- Combined SIMV with pressure support (see below) is typically recommended
- Two phases of cycle: SIMV and Spontaneous
- SIMV Phase
- Any patient initiated breath is supported with delivery of a preset Tidal Volume
- If no patient initiated breath in first 90% of SIMV, machine delivers a full breath
- Spontaneous Phase (if SIMV not combined with pressure support)
- Patient initiated breaths above minimum rate will not trigger additional Ventilator support
- Ventilation Tidal Volume is 100% dependent on patient's own unsupported inspiration
- SIMV Phase
- Indications
- Introduced in 1971 for neonates with RDS
- Often used for Ventilator Weaning of adults
- May be used if Respiratory Rate is rapid
- Advantages over Assist Control Mode
- Less Respiratory Alkalosis
- Improves Cardiac Output
- Prevents respiratory Muscle atrophy theoretically (but unlikely significant benefit)
- Disadvantages compared with Assist Control Mode
- Increased work of breathing (unless combined with pressure support - see below)
- Presets
- See Assist Control above
- Background
- Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV)
- Mechanism
- Augments spontaneous breathing (as with SIMV) on every breath (as with assist mode)
- Inspired gas to desired pressure (typically starts at 12-15 cmH2O)
- Pressure titrated to desired MV, Tidal Volume (6-8 cc/kg), Respiratory Rate <30
- Flow cycled breaths
- Indications
- Ventilator Weaning
- Intubation for airway protection (e.g. Angioedema)
- Use AC or SIMV first until RSI wears off and patient starts to wake up
- Advantages over SIMV
- Increases Tidal Volume
- Decreases work of breathing
- Precautions
- Apnea alarms and backup Respiratory Rate are critical
- Endotracheal Tube cuff leak may result in cycling problems (flow does not drop enough to cycle off)
- Methods of Setting Pressure
- Method 1: Maximum Inspiratory Pressure
- Pressure = Maximum Inspiratory Pressure / 3
- Method 2: Proximal Airway Pressure
- Pressure = Peak Pressure - Plateau Pressure
- Method 3: Approximation
- Start with pressure 12-15 cmH2O (normal Lung Compliance, non-rigid chest wall)
- Adjust based on observation of first few breaths (increase pressure if TV too low)
- Method 1: Maximum Inspiratory Pressure
- Presets (patient controls Respiratory Rate, flow rate and Tidal Volume)
- Inspiratory pressure
- Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FIO2)
- PEEP Pressure
- Mechanism
- Starting Parameters - MIscellaneous
- Assist Control - Volume is a default Ventilator setting appropriate for most patients
- Measure the patient length on presentation (to estimate Ideal Weight, and hence Tidal Volume)
- Most cases will start with either lung protective strategy (ARDS) or Obstructive Lung Disease Ventilator Strategy
- See lung protective strategy (ARDS) below
- See Obstructive Lung Disease strategy (Asthma, COPD) below
- Airway Protection (obtunded patient)
- Ventilator Setting: Volume cycled (VC)
- Tidal Volume: 6 to 8 ml/kg based on Ideal Body Weight (IBW)
- Respiratory Rate: 12-16 breaths per minute
- Match the patient's pre-intubation Respiratory Rate in Metabolic Acidosis! (see below)
- Too slow of a Respiratory Rate will result in worsening acidosis and decompensation
- PEEP: 5 cm H2O
- FIO2 titrated to Oxygen Saturation >92%
- Asymmetric Lung Disease (e.g. Lung Contusion, localized Pneumonia, gastric aspiration)
- Start with standard mechical ventilation settings
- If initial management inadequate
- Uninjured lung has least resistance to air flow and is therefore best aerated
- Place the patient in decubitus position with the less involved lung down (closer to bed)
- Allows for dependent pulmonary Blood Flow to best ventilated lung segments
Pulmonary Hypertension
- Present unique challenges in Mechanical Ventilation due to high sensitivity to Preload and Afterload changes
- Limit vascular Preload changes by decreasing intrathoracic pressure
- Maintain low Tidal Volume
- Maintain low plateau pressures
- Maintain low PEEP
- Limit right Ventricular Afterload changes (resulting from pulmonary Vasoconstriction)
- Maintain normal pO2
- Maintain normal pCO2 (35-45 mmHg)
- Pulmonary Hypertension is intolerant to permissive hypercapnia
- Children (under age 8 years)
- Precaution: Reduce rate and Tidal Volume for Asthma Exacerbation (allow for permissive hypercapnia)
- Respiratory Rate: 20-25 breaths per minute
- Tidal Volume: 5-7 cc/kg
- Set peak inspiratory pressure to 12-20 cm H2O in infants
- References
- Murphy and Maldonado (2018) Crit Dec Emerg Med 32(12): 14-5
- Weingart and Orman in Herbert (2016) EM:Rap 16(6):14-5
- http://emcrit.org/wp-content/uploads/vent-handout.pdf
- http://emcrit.org/archive-podcasts/vent-part-1/
- http://emcrit.org/podcasts/vent-part-2/
- Starting Parameters - Lung Protective Ventilator Strategy (ARDS, hypoxemic Respiratory Failure)
- Indications (lung protective strategy)
- Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure (most cases)
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
- Goals
- Adequate increase in mean airway pressure to allow for alveolar recruitment
- Avoid excessive alveolar pressure (risk of Ventilator associated lung injury or VALI)
- Permissive hypercapnia
- Low Tidal Volumes
Tidal Volume
- Key parameter in lung injury and its prevention
- Setting: 6 to 8 ml/kg Ideal Body Weight, based on patient height (lung protective strategy)
- Avoid Tidal Volume >8 ml/kg
- Typically start at 8 ml/kg and decrease to 6 ml/kg over the first 4 hours
- Decrease by 1 ml/kg every 2 hours as tolerated from 8 down to 6 ml/kg
- Inspiratory flow rate (IFR)
- Setting: 60 to 80 liters per minute (lpm)
- Start at 60 lpm and adjust for patient comfort
- Faster breaths tend to be more comfortable
Respiratory Rate
- Setting: 16-18 breaths per minute
- Increase or decrease based on pCO2 (increase RR to decrease pCO2)
- Recheck ABG 30-40 minutes after change in Respiratory Rate
- Rates may need to be increased to 30-40 breaths per minute
- FIO2
- Initial
- Start for first 5 minutes at 100% FIO2 with PEEP 0-5
- Decrease FIO2 toward 30-40% with PEEP 5, with a goal Oxygen Saturation 90% to 95%
- Some recommend immediately decreasing FIO2 toward 30-40% without delay
- Persistently high FIO2 >50-60% results in shunting with ineffective blood oxygenation
- Titration
- Obtain Arterial Blood Gas (after first 15 minutes on Ventilator)
- Titrate up on FIO2 and PEEP together at 5-10 min increments based on PEEP Table (see below)
- Initial
- PEEP (Positive End-Expiratory Pressure)
- Monitoring
- Goal PaO2 55-80 mmHg (Oxygen Saturation 88-95%)
- pH > 7.15 or 7.20
- Decrease Tidal Volume until plateau pressure <30 cm H2O (see below)
- Check plateau pressure every 30 to 60 minutes (press inspiratory hold)
- Decrease Tidal Volume in 1 ml/kg increments until Vt 4 ml/kg or pH 7.15
- Adjunctive Modalities in Refractory Cases (see ARDS)
- Prone Positioning
- Paralysis (e.g. Vecuronium)
- Starting Parameters - Obstructive Lung Disease (Asthma, COPD, Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure)
- Indications
- Goals
- Minimize hyperinflation
- Rest compromised respiratory Muscles
- Allow for adequate expiration (avoiding Breath Stacking)
- Precautions
- Consider Delayed Sequence Intubation
- Continue Nebulized Albuterol via Endotracheal Tube
- Status Asthmaticus patients will often respond to aggressive Asthma Management AND BiPap
- Asthma patients who require intubation have lost all respiratory drive
- Expect a high peak pressure in Asthma due to airway resistance
- High peak pressure (unlike plateau pressure) is a sign of airway obstruction
- Check plateau pressure (press and hold the inspiratory hold button) as below
- Set peak pressure alarm to trigger >80 cm H2O
- Aggressive Obstructive Lung Disease management with Bronchodilators and steroids
- However, do not confuse peak pressure with plateau pressure
- Plateau pressure >30 cm H2O is a sign of Breath Stacking and must be corrected
- Decrease plateau pressure by decreasing Respiratory Rate (see Auto-PEEP below)
- High peak pressure (unlike plateau pressure) is a sign of airway obstruction
- Auto-PEEP (Dynamic Hyperinflation, Breath Stacking)
- Presents with increased plateau pressure and Hypotension
- Auto-PEEP may also be measured
- Increase expiratory time
- Decrease Respiratory Rate and inspiratory time
- May also decrease Tidal Volume
Tidal Volume
- Dose: 8 ml/kg Ideal Body Weight
- Inspiratory flow rate (IFR)
- Setting: 80 L/min (up to 100 L/min)
- Increase to provide faster breath, completes early in cycle (allows greater expiratory time)
- High flow rates may be limited by increased peak pressures
Respiratory Rate (RR)
- Most important parameter in Obstructive Lung Disease ventilation
- Allows for full expiration (typical I:E ratio 1:4 or 1:5) and prevents Breath Stacking
- Set rate at 8 to 10 breaths per minute (do not set this too high)
- Permissive hypercapnia with lower Ventilatory rates is preferred
- Most important parameter in Obstructive Lung Disease ventilation
- FIO2
- Start at 30-40% and titrate upward
- Use lowest FIO2 that will maintain Oxygen Saturation 88 to 95%
- Minimal (0-3 mmHg) to NO PEEP ("PEEP Zero Strategy") is recommended in Obstructive Lung Disease
- Higher PEEP in Obstructive Lung Disease is associated with worse outcomes and difficult weaning
- Fixed airflow obstruction risks increased Lung Volumes, airway pressure and intrathoracic pressure
- Resulting increased intrathoracic pressure may lead to cardiovascular collapse
- Monitoring
- Check plateau pressure (or flow/time graph) for Breath Stacking
- Decrease Respiratory Rate until plateau pressure <30 cm H2O
- Follow Arterial Blood Gas
- Permissive hypercapnia is goal in Obstructive Lung Disease ventilation
- Expect pCO2 50-70 mmHg (maintain pH > 7.2, or per some guidelines >7.15)
- Check plateau pressure (or flow/time graph) for Breath Stacking
- See Rapid Sequence Intubation regarding peri-intubation precautions (e.g. Hypotension)
- Avoid Hyperventilation (results in lung hyperexpansion and decreases venous return)
- Start with low Respiratory Rate and low Tidal Volume (and gradually advance as needed)
- Limit peak pressures
- Asthma and COPD are very high risk for Hyperventilation-related complications (including Barotrauma)
- Do not attempt to fix acid-base abnormalities initially (Permissive hypercapnea is preferred)
- Allow a wider range of pH (7.2 to 7.5) in most patients
- Contraindications to Permissive Hypercapnea (maintain normal pCO2 35-45 mmHg in these patients)
- Increased Intracranial Pressure
- Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Pregnancy
- Severe Pulmonary Hypertension (see above)
- Severe ventricular failure (left or right)
- Metabolic Acidosis resulting in intubation (match pre-intubation Respiratory Rate)
Metabolic Acidosis (e.g. Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
- Observe Minute Ventilation prior to intubation and approximate this for Mechanical Ventilation settings
- Increased Respiratory Rates are citical to acid excretion and correction of Metabolic Acidosis
- Metabolic Acidosis will continue to worsen if Respiratory Rate is set too low
- Consider bridging with Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV)
- See Delayed Sequence Intubation
- Allows for determination of mechanical Ventilator settings, esp. Respiratory Rate
- High ventilator Respiratory Rates used in Metabolic Acidosis require other modifications
- High inspiratory flow rate (allows adequate time for expiration)
- Observe for Breath Stacking at higher Respiratory Rates
- Adequate sedation and analgesia (high Ventilator rates are uncomfortable)
- References
- Weingart and Swaminathan in Herbert (2021) EM:Rap 21(2): 2-3
- Parameters
Tidal Volume (TV)
- Ventilator Tidal Volume: 6-8 ml/kg of Ideal Body Weight
- Prior levels of 10 to 15 ml/kg were too high
- ARDS: Start at 6 ml/kg based on Ideal Body Weight (lung protective strategy)
- Indications to Reduce Tidal Volume
- Lung Resection history (reduce Tidal Volume by percent loss in lung)
- Plateau pressure >30 cmH2O
- In Obstructive Lung Disease, decrease RR first (indicates Breath Stacking)
- Indications to Increase Tidal Volume
- Neuromuscular disease
- Stiff Lungs (e.g. Pulmonary Edema)
- High Peak Inflation Pressure (>20-40 cm H2O)
- Results in large loss of Tidal Volume in tubing
- Ventilator Tidal Volume: 6-8 ml/kg of Ideal Body Weight
Respiratory Rate (RR, "Ventilation")
- Set at 12 to 14 breaths per minute (many patients may require 16-18, esp. lung injury)
- Set Respiratory Rate closest to patient rate prior to intubation (especially in Metabolic Acidosis)
- Ensures adequate carbon dioxide removal
- Keep to a minimum to avoid Respiratory Alkalosis
- Increased Respiratory Rate needed in Metabolic Acidosis
- Observe patient's own Respiratory Rate prior to intubation and use as a guide
- Recheck Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) at 20 minutes after initial settings
- Indications to decrease Respiratory Rate
Minute Ventilation (Alveolar Minute Ventilation)
- Reflects gas exchanged per minute and determines CO2 clearance
- Typically 7 to 8 L/min, but up to twice as much may be needed in certain conditions
- Minute Ventilation = (Vt - Vd) * RR
- Where Vt is Tidal Volume, Vd is dead space and RR is Respiratory Rate
- Fraction of Inspired Oxygen (FIO2)
- Start: 80% or higher
- Titrate: decrease in 10-20% steps
- Goal: Keep FIO2 <60% (<50% in the first 24 hours if possible)
- Higher FIO2 is associated with Oxygen Toxicity
- Target Oxygen Saturations 90-94% (>88% may be used as target in severe ARDS)
- Increasing PEEP can reduce FIO2 requirements (see below)
- Monitoring: Arterial Blood Gas
- Inspiratory flow rate (IFR)
- Describes how quickly a breath is delivered (anologous to Peak Flow)
- Faster breaths tend to be more comfortable, and result in less Air HungerSensation for patient
- Adjust for patient comfort
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
- Prevents distal airspace collapse (especially dependent lung fields)
- Most important in conditions that shunt blood past collapsed alveoli (e.g. Pneumonia, Atelectasis)
- Start PEEP at 5 cm H2O (minimum)
- Higher PEEP Indications
- Extensive alveolar collapse (8-10 cm H2O)
- Obesity or pregnancy
- High FIO2 (esp. >60%) required or Hypoxemia refractory to oxygenation (PEEP Table in ARDS)
- Goal Oxygen Saturation 88-95% (PaO2 55-80 mmHg)
- FIO2 30%: Set PEEP 5 cmH2O (high PEEP to FIO2: 5-8-10-12-14 cmH2O)
- FIO2 40%: Set PEEP 5-8 cmH2O (high PEEP to FIO2: 14-16 cmH2O)
- FIO2 50%: Set PEEP 8-10 cmH2O (high PEEP to FIO2: 16-18-20 cmH2O)
- FIO2 60-80%: Set PEEP 10-14 cmH2O (high PEEP to FIO2: 20 cmH2O)
- FIO2 90%: Set PEEP 14-18 cmH2O (high PEEP to FIO2: 22 cmH2O)
- FIO2 100%: Set PEEP 18-24 cmH2O (high PEEP to FIO2: 22-24 cmH2O)
- http://www.ardsnet.org/files/ventilator_protocol_2008-07.pdf
- Precautions: Excessive PEEP
- PEEP Levels >15 cm H2O are rarely required and are associated with complications
- Use minimal to no PEEP is recommended in Obstructive Lung Disease (see above)
- Lung injury risk (alveolar over-distention)
- Hypotension risk (increased intrathoracic pressure decreases venous return)
- Inspiratory Plateau pressure (pPlat)
- Plateau pressure is best estimate of peak alveolar pressure (and in turn, alveolar distention)
- Check plateau pressure every 30-60 minutes or at the time of high pressure Ventilator Alarms
- Recheck plateau pressure after any Ventilator setting changes
- Invoke Plateau Pressure by holding down "inspiratory hold button" for 1-5 seconds
- Reflects only the static pressures to overcome lung and chest wall resistance
- NOT the same as peak inspiratory pressure or pPeak (which is typically very high in Obstructive Lung Disease)
- pPeak is the pressure to overcome airway resistance, lung, chest wall
- Includes dynamic factors that do not reflect alveolar pressures or Barotrauma risks
- As ET Tube diameter decreases, pPeak increases, but pPlat remains constant
- For a given Tidal Volume, Lung Compliance, airway resistance, pPeak -pPlat difference is constant
- Strategy if plateau pressure too high (>30 cm H2O)
- Increased plateau presure reflects increased airway resistance
- General measures that decrease Plateau pressure
- Decrease PEEP
- Risk of decreased oxygenation and alveolar collapse
- Decrease Tidal Volume
- May decrease Tidal Volume as low as 4 ml/kg
- Risk of hypercapnia due to decreased Minute Ventilation
- However, permissive hypercapnia is preferred
- Increase Expiratory Time (e.g. shorter breaths or slower rate, decreases Auto-PEEP risk)
- Risk of hypercapnia
- Address reversible factors impeding Lung Compliance
- Increase Post-Intubation Sedation and Analgesia
- Consider chemical paralysis (e.g. Rocuronium, cistracuronium)
- Consider changing Ventilator mode
- Change Ventilator to Pressure Cycled (PC) Ventilation
- Decrease PEEP
- Lung Injury
- Decrease Tidal Volume until plateau pressure <30 cm H2O
- Obstructive Lung (Breath Stacking)
- Decrease Respiratory Rate until plateau pressure <30 cm H2O
- Strategy if Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) is high without increased Plateau Pressure
- Increased PIP with normal pPLAT reflects increased airway resistance
- Evaluate for Endotracheal Tube obstruction
- Evaluate for dessynchrony with Ventilator
- Evaluate for mucous plugging or bronchospasm
- Plateau pressure is best estimate of peak alveolar pressure (and in turn, alveolar distention)
- Adjunctive measures
- Post-intubation Pain and Sedation (critical)
- Suction
- Heat and humidification of inspired air
- Heated Humidifiers
- Passive Humidifiers
- Contraindicated with copious or bloody secretions, Minute Ventilation >12 L/min, large air leak
- Barotrauma (Tension Pneumothorax, Auto-PEEP)
- Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
Myocardial Infarction
- Consider serial Electrocardiogram and Troponin
- Severe Respiratory Alkalosis
- Occurs with high Respiratory Rates
- Consider IMV ventilation mode or patient sedation
Venous Thromboembolism
- See Venous Thromboembolism Prevention
- Anticoagulation or if contraindicated, pneumatic compression device
- Gastric Stress Ulcer
- Empiric intravenous Proton Pump Inhibitor (e.g. Pantoprazole) or H2 Blocker (e.g. Famotidine)
Nosocomial Pneumonia
- Head of bed to 30 degrees
- Oral Hygiene
- Monitoring parameters
- Background
- Ventilation
- Adjusted with Minute Ventilation = RR x TV
- Monitor with pCO2, etCO2
- Oxygenation
- Adjusted with FIO2, PEEP
- Monitor with Pulse Oximetry (preferred as a direct measure), pO2
- Ventilation
- Adjustments: Formula
- RR_a * VT_a * PCO2_a = RR_b * VT_b * PCO2_b
- where _a indicates current value and _b indicates future value
- where RR_a and RR_b are Respiratory Rates (now and future)
- where VT_a and VT_b are Tidal Volumes (now and future)
- where PCO2_a and PCO2_b are ABG pCO2 levels (now and future)
- Solve for the TV or RR you wish to change to get a desired pCO2_b
- RR_a * VT_a * PCO2_a = RR_b * VT_b * PCO2_b
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)
- Venous Blood Gas (VBG) may be used instead of Arterial Blood Gas
- Titrate down FIO2 to keep Oxygen Saturation 90-96% (see below)
- Obtain 20-30 minutes after intubation, acute Resuscitation, status change, Ventilator change
- PaO2 is most affected by FIO2, mean airway pressure, PEEP
- PaCO2 is most affected by Respiratory Rate, Tidal Volume (Vt) and dead space (Vd)
- Increasing Respiratory Rate is the first correction for correcting hypercapnia (with pH <7.2)
- Venous Blood Gas (VBG) may be used instead of Arterial Blood Gas
Oxygen Saturation (O2 Sat)
- Target 90-96% Oxygen Saturation (88-92% in COPD and Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome)
- End-Tidal CO2 (EtCO2)
- Internet Book of Critical Care (EMCRIT.org)
- Dominate the Vent Part 1 (Weingart, EMCrit)
- Dominate the Vent Part 2 (Weingart, EMCrit)
- Spinning Dials: Dominate the Ventilator (PDF Handout, Weingart, EMCrit)
- Hamm (2018) Fundamental Critical Care Support Course Lecture, St Paul, MN, attended 4/26/2018
- Marino (2014) ICU Book, Walters-Kluwer, Philadelphia
- Nugent (2011) Bedside Guide to Mechanical Ventilation, 1st ed
- Owens (2012) Ventilator Book, First Draught Press
- Roginski, Hogan and Buscher (2020) Crit Dec Emerg Med 34(6): 17-27
- Schaub, Peluso and Stull (2020) Crit Dec Emerg Med 34(9): 3-12