- Severe Asthma Exacerbations are shock states
- Airway obstruction results in air trapping and Barotrauma (risk of Pneumothorax)
- Venous return is obstructed with Hypotension (also due to the often associated Hypovolemia)
Severe Asthma patients progress from loud (Wheezing, Tachypnea) to quiet (Respiratory Failure)
- Do not be reassured by cessation of Wheezing (check for hypoventilation, shallow inspiration)
- Do not be reassured by a normalizing pH or CO2
- May be compensated only be non-sustainable Hyperventilation, verging on Respiratory Failure
- References
- Swadron (2019) Pulmonary 1, CCME Emergency Medicine Board Review, accessed 5/28/2019
- Red Flags suggestive of impending Respiratory Failure
- See Asthma Exacerbation Severity Evaluation
- See Status Asthmaticus
- Inability to speak more than 1-2 words at a time
- Increased Somnolence
- Cyanosis
Wheezing paradoxically decreases (silent chest)
- Secondary to increased airway obstruction and less air movement
- Pulsus Paradoxus >25 mmHg
PaCO2 normalization or hypercapnia (ominous)
- However other clinical findings are more reliable indicators of Respiratory Failure than pH and pCO2
- Consider monitoring End-Tidal CO2 (ETCO2) for overall trends
- Bradycardia
- Severe Hypoxia
- Follow Initial Management per other protocols
- Additional Measures for Extremis
- Nebulized Albuterol with Ipratropium continuously to hourly
- Systemic Corticosteroid
Adrenergic Agonists
- Epinephrine (preferred)
- Consider Epinephrine Autoinjector (e.g. EpiPen) in prehospital setting
- High dose: 0.01 mg/kg up to 0.3 mg SC and may be repeated every 5 minutes
- Low dose: 0.001 mg/kg (1-2 mcg/kg) IV in small push doses, titrated to effect
- Orman and Sloas in Herbert (2015) EM:Rap 15(6):16
- Terbutaline (alternative)
- Adult: 0.25 mg SC now and repeated up to once within 15-30 min
- Maximum: 0.5 mg per 4 hours
- Child: 0.01 mg/kg (up to 0.25 mg) SC every 20 min for up to 3 doses
- May be repeated up to every 2-6 hours
- Adult: 0.25 mg SC now and repeated up to once within 15-30 min
- Epinephrine (preferred)
- Oxygen 100% (warm, humidified)
- Delivery by nonrebreather mask or
- High Flow Nasal Cannula
- Child: 20 L/min maximum
- Teen: 40 L/min maximum
- Two Intravenous Lines
- Hypotension is common in Severe Asthma (increased thoracic pressure prevents venous return)
- Consider fluid bolus of Normal Saline 10-20 ml/kg IV (to 500 to 1000 ml IV)
- Chest XRay to evaluate for Tension Pneumothorax
- Consider Magnesium
- Dose 50 mg/kg (range 25-75 mg/kg) up to 2 grams IV for 1 dose delivered over 15-20 min
- Drug infusion rate is much faster than the typical 2 hour Magnesium infusion
- Rapidly effective in pediatric Asthma Exacerbations
- Also shown effective in severe adult acute Asthma
- Some studies question benefit
- References
- Consider Ketamine
- May improve Status Asthmaticus (not limited to intubation)
- May allow patients to tolerate BiPap, as well as progress via Delayed Sequence Intubation
- May increase airway secretions
- Bolus: 1-2 mg/kg (consider 1 mg/kg to start)
- Maintenance: 2-3 mg/kg/hour (consider 0.25 mg/kg/hour to start)
- Consider Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV, CPAP, BIPAP, HHFNC)
- See High Humidity High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HHFNC)
- See Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (BIPAP)
- See Delayed Sequence Intubation (e.g. Ketamine with initial BiPap)
- NIPPV allows for diaphragmatic and other respiratory Muscle rest
- Respiratory muscle Fatigue results in hypercapnia and Respiratory Acidosis
- Acidosis results in further respiratory Muscle dysfunction and spiraling increase in hypercapnia
- NIPPV decreases CO2, acidosis, and respiratory Fatigue
- Contraindications (exception: Delayed Sequence Intubation)
- Patient not alert or able to control their own airway (aspiration risk)
- Hemodynamically unstable (positive pressure reduces negative chest pressure and Preload)
- Cardiopulmonary arrest or significant Cardiac Arrhythmia
- Upper airway Trauma or obstruction (requires secure airway)
- Starting settings (Bipap)
- Consider in combination with Ketamine for sedation (often poorly tolerated otherwise)
- Use the lower doses listed above (1 mg/kg bolus then 0.25 mg/kg/hour)
- May be used as bridge to intubation (See Delayed Sequence Intubation)
- Precautions: Severe bronchospasm is unlikely to improve with NIPPV
- Tight, quiet chest without excursion and trapped airway gas will not respond to more NIPPV
- BiPap machine estimated Tidal Volumes will be low in severe bronchospasm
- Measures to Avoid
- Avoid Heliox (helium to oxygen 80:20 70:30 or 60:40)
- Originally showed promise, but does not appear to improve Status Asthmaticus or COPD
- Appeared to reduce work of breathing and to improve Peak Flow in original studies
- Effective in the obstruction of the larger upper airway (e.g. Airway Foreign Body)
- However, not effective in the obstruction of the many small to medium airways affected by Asthma
- Risk of Hypoxemia if FIO2 of oxygen in mixture is too low
- Originally showed promise, but does not appear to improve Status Asthmaticus or COPD
- Avoid Aminophylline or Theophylline
- Risk of adverse effects outweigh any marginal benefit
- Rare indication may be a patient in such distress that will not tolerate the nebulizer
- May continue home maintenance Asthma medications, but do not add these medications to control acute Asthma
- Do not initiate Mast Cell Stabilizers, long acting beta Agonists or Leukotriene Modifiers to control acute Asthma
- Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation
- Precautions: Intubation is best done semi-electively before crisis
- Intubation criteria are based on clinical judgment (not on ABG, VBG or other lab criteria)
- Best if intubation can be avoided due to high risk of complications in Asthma (esp. Barotrauma)
- Even with Pneumothorax, Barotrauma to small alveoli may have longterm remodeling effects
- Hypercarbia in Status Asthmaticus is a failure of ventilation (not oxygenation)
- Hypercapnea is corrected with Respiratory Rate and Tidal Volume
- Respiratory Rate increases Breath Stacking and Tidal Volume increases Barotrauma
- Indications (indicated in 0.5% of Asthma Exacerbations)
- Impending or actual respiratory arrest
- Extreme muscle Fatigue
- Altered Mental Status
- Significant respiratory distress
- Severe Respiratory Acidosis and Metabolic Acidosis
- Hemodynamic instability (e.g. Hypotension)
- Persistent Hypoxemia and hypercapnia
- Arterial Blood Gas is not required as a criteria for intubation (clinical status is preferred)
- Arterial Blood Gas is indicated after intubation to adjust Ventilator settings
- Oral intubation is preferred
Endotracheal Tube selection
- Choose largest cuffed Endotracheal Tube possible
Rapid Sequence Intubation
- Sedation
- Ketamine (preferred in Asthma Exacerbation)
- Use with paralytic due to laryngospasm risk
- Etomidate
- Use as an alternative
- Ketamine (preferred in Asthma Exacerbation)
- Paralytic
- Succinylcholine (preferred due to shorter duration)
- Rocuronium (if Hyperkalemia risk)
- Consider Lidocaine for pretreatment
- Consider Normal Saline bolus (10-20 cc/kg) to prevent post-intubation Hypotension
- Maximize preoxygenation (see Rapid Sequence Intubation for protocol)
- Sedation
Post-intubation Management
- Avoid repeated Paralytic Agents after intubation if possible
- Continue aggressive Asthma Management after intubation
- Duonebs
- Magnesium
- Corticosteroids
Ketamine may be preferred for post-intubation (Bronchodilator and mucolytic)
- See doses above
- Permissive hypercapnea (allowing CO2 to rise)
- Preferred over aggressive Hyperventilation with risk of Barotrauma (Pneumothorax risk)
- Settings to prevent baratrauma
- Ventilator rate: Low (start at 10-12 breaths/min, or start as low as 6 breaths/min)
- Allow for adequate exhalation time (prevents Breath Stacking, Auto-PEEP)
- Tidal Volume: Low
- Start at 6 ml/kg
- May titrate to 8-10 ml/kg (but keep plateau pressure <30 cm H2O)
- Risk of braotrauma at higher Tidal Volumes
- Inspiratory Flow rate: High (start at 80-100 ml/hour)
- Expiratory Time: High (long)
- Inspiratory-Expiratory Ratio (I-E Ratio): 1 to 4
- FIO2: Lowest level to keep Oxygen Saturation >90%
- Plateau pressure: <30 cm H2O
- Consider PEEP 3-5
- Requires close observation for Auto-PEEP by patient
- SIMV Mode may be preferred over AC in Status Asthmaticus
- Allows for patient to trigger breath and prevent Breath Stacking
- Ventilator rate: Low (start at 10-12 breaths/min, or start as low as 6 breaths/min)
- Difficult to ventilate patients
- Optimize pulmonary toilet
- Consider bronchoscopy
- May benefit from inhalation gasses in operating room or ECMO
- Observe for intubation complications
- Barotrauma (e.g. Pneumothorax)
- Hemodynamic compromise (Hypotension)
- Pulmonary hyperinflation (Breath Stacking)
- Disconnect the Ventilator
- Manually ventilate slowly
- Prevents Breath Stacking
- Decompress the chest manually
- Bear hug to remove trapped air
- Place bilateral Chest Tubes
- High risk of Tension Pneumothorax
- May temporize with bilateral needle thoracostamy
- Empirically give Intravenous Fluids (1 Liter)
- See Hypotension above
- Consider other measures
- Anesthetic gases (as bridge to ECMO)
- Serrano (2014) Crit Dec Emerg Med 28(6):2-10
- Sherman (2014) Crit Dec Emerg Med 8(2): 12-18
- Herbert (2012) EM:RAP-C3 2(2): 1
- Weingart and Swaminathan in Swadron (2022) EM:Rap 22(5): 3-4
- (1997) Management of Asthma, NIH 97-4053
- (1995) Global Strategy for Asthma, NIH 95-3659
- Pollart (2011) Am Fam Physician 84(1): 40-7 [PubMed]
- Ciarallo (2000) Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 154:979-83 [PubMed]
- Sarfone (2000) Ann Emerg Med 36:572-8 [PubMed]