- Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
- Pre-participation History
- Pre-participation Special Circumstances
- Station Divided Sports Physical
- Sports Participation Disqualifiers
- Sports Contact Levels (Contact Sport or Collision Sport)
- Sports Intensity Levels (Dynamic Sports, Static Sports)
- Athletic Heart Syndrome
- Arrhythmias in Athletes
- Sudden Death in Athletes
- Most common abnormal physical findings
- Structured preparticipation physical is recommended
- Cardiovascular examination (e.g. pathologic Heart Murmurs) are a key focus of the exam
- General
- Height
- Weight
- Body habitus
- Marfan Syndrome findings (tall and thin with long extremities and joint hyperflexibility)
- Low Body Mass Index (Female Athlete Triad)
- Vital Signs
- Eye
Visual Acuity
- Blind in one eye OR
- Severe Myopia (Corrected worse than 20/50 in 1 eye)
- Protective eye wear (Glasses, Contact Lenses)
- Amblyopia
- Anisocoria
- Detached Retina
- Early Coronary Artery Disease changes
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Cardiovascular
- Examination points
- Blood Pressure (brachial)
- Pulse
- Rate and rhythm
- Distal pulse quality and symmetry (e.g. radial and femoral pulses)
- Cardiac auscultation for murmur (see below)
- Indications for Hypertension further evaluation
- Age <10 years old: Blood Pressure >130/75
- Age >10 years old: Blood Pressure >140/85
Heart Murmurs
- Evaluate in 2 positions (e.g. Standing and squatting)
- Evaluate with Valsalva
- Indications for further evaluation
- Murmur grade 3 of 6 or louder
- Any Diastolic Murmur
- Murmur accentuated with Valsalva or on standing
- Suggests Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Further cardiac testing
- Electrocardiogram
- Stress EKG
- Echocardiogram
- Other findings requiring further evaluation
- Pulmonary
- Diaphragm excursion
- Breath Sounds
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Gastrointestinal
- Abdominal Masses
- Organomegaly
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Kidney size
- Dermatologic
- Acne Vulgaris
- Infectious rash (e.g. Herpes Simplex Virus)
- Atopic rash
- Suspicious nevi
- Surgical and Traumatic Scars
- Musculoskeletal
- Orthopedic screening: Brief Musculoskeletal Exam
- Back
- Scoliosis
- Kyphosis or Lordosis
- Knee and ankle (unstable)
- Shoulder (Recurrent dislocation)
- Assess elbow stability
- Painful Osgood Schlatter disease
- Marfan's Syndrome
- Neurologic
- Gross coordination
- Gait Abnormality
- Genitourinary Male
- Single unpaired Testicle
- Undescended Testicle (Cryptorchidism)
- Testicular Masses
- Inguinal Hernia
- Tanner stage
- See Sexual Development in Boys
- Discuss Self-Testicle exam
- Testicular Cancer peak Incidence in age 18-35 years
- Genitourinary Female
- No longer done routinely with Sports Physical now
- Schedule separate gynecologic exam if indicated
- Ask about Amenorrhea (Female Athlete Triad)
Tanner Staging or Menstrual dating
- See Sexual Development in Girls
- Preparticipation Exam