- Visual Acuity is THE Vital Sign of the eye
- Distance Vision
- Vision with each eye individually and together
- Appropriate chart (usually 20 foot distance or 6 meters to chart, or half-length at 10 feet or 3 meters)
- Snellen Letters (6 years and older, adults)
- Snellen Numbers (Non-english speaking or illiterate)
- Tumbling E (Children ages 3 to 5 years)
- HOTV Card (Children ages 3 to 5 years)
- Picture Tests (Childen ages 3 to 5 years)
- Alternative handheld chart (Rosenbaum Chart)
- Interpretation
- Vision is recorded based on the smallest print letters the patient can read with half the answers correct
- Vision recorded as 20/X-Y
- Where 20 refers to feet from chart
- Where X refers to the distance a person with normal Vision can still read the same line
- Where Y refers to the number of missed items for the particular line
Myopia suggested if Vision improves with pinhole
- Vision testing through a small pinhole corrects for Refractive Errors
- Consider pinhole for Vision testing in a patient who did not bring their glasses to evaluation
- If Vision less than 20/200, assess best Vision with:
- Finger Counting (CF) at 1 foot and at 6 inches
- Hand Movements (HM)
- Light Perception (LP)
- No light Perception (NLP): total blindness
- Normal Vision for children 2.5 to 6 years
- Month 30-35: 20/60 (or 6/20) or better
- Month 36-47: 20/50 (or 6/15) or better
- Month 48-59: 20/40 (or 6/12) or better
- Month 60-72: 20/30 (or 6/10) or better
- Pan (2009) Opto Vis Sci 86(6): 607-12 [PubMed]
- Indications for referral to eye care specialist
- Indications for adults
- See Preventive Eye Examination for screening guidelines (e.g. Glaucoma)
- Uncorrected Vision <20/50 or
- One line difference (on Snellen Chart) between eyes
- Indications for children
- Any Age: Two line difference between eyes
- Example: OD 20/25 and OS 20/40
- Age 3-4: Either eye worse than 20/50
- Age 4-5: Either eye worse than 10/20 or 20/40
- Age >5: Either eye worse than 10/15 or 20/30 (<3 of 5 characters correct)
- References
- Any Age: Two line difference between eyes
- Near Vision
- Not generally screened
- Presbyopia occurs after age 40 years
- Performed by Optometry or Ophthalmology
- Measures optical error of eyes to prepare lenses