
Acne Vulgaris


Acne Vulgaris, Acne

  • Epidemiology
  1. Prevalence: 75% of teenagers and young adults
  2. Acne Vulgaris may persist in some 30-40 year olds
  • Pathophysiology
  1. See Acne Vulgaris Pathophysiology
  2. See secondary acne causes below
  • Risk Factors
  • Exacerbating Factors
  • Signs
  • Lesion Types
  1. Obstructive Acne (Papules and Pustules)
    1. Closed Comedones (White heads)
      1. Papules resulting from sebum and keratin accumulation within the Hair Follicle
    2. Open Comedones (Black heads)
      1. Closed comedones distend with trapped sebum and keratin and ultimately open
      2. Exposed lipids oxidize and Melanin is deposited
  2. Inflammatory Acne resulting from Hair Follicle rupture (in order of lesion formation)
    1. Papules
    2. Pustules
    3. Nodules
    4. Cysts
    5. Scars
  • Signs
  • Distribution
  1. Face
  2. Neck
  3. Chest
  4. Upper Back
  • Types
  • Severe subtypes
  1. Consider in refractory cases
  2. Referral usually indicated
  3. Conditions
    1. Gram NegativeFolliculitis
      1. Severe, inflammatory acne
      2. Onset months after starting oral antibiotics
    2. Acne Fulminans
      1. Rapidly progressive, severe inflammatory acne
      2. Associated findings
        1. Fever
        2. Arthralgia
        3. Bone diathesis
    3. Acne conglobata
      1. Severe Cystic Acne
      2. Associated with dissecting scalp Cellulitis
      3. Associated with Hydradenitis suppurativa
      4. Aggressive treatment required
    4. Pyoderma faciale
      1. Rapidly progressive facial Cystic Acne (esp cheeks)
      2. May be a variant of Acne Rosacea
      3. Affects adult women
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Dermatologic Conditions
  1. Information from your Family Doctor: Acne in Teens
  • References
  1. Habif (2004) Dermatology, Mosby, p. 162-94
  2. Parker in Noble (2001) Primary Care p. 758-60
  3. Gollnick (2003) J Am Acad Dermatol 49:S1-37 [PubMed]
  4. Oge (2019) Am Fam Physician 100(8): 475-84 [PubMed]