- Check CDC website at least 4 weeks before travel
- Contains specific recommendations per area of travel
- CDC Website
- Update routine Immunizations
Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine (MMR)
- Documentation of 2 doses if born after 1956
Tetanus Toxoid
Vaccine (Td)
- Consider booster if last dose more than 5 years ago
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPOL)
- Consider booster if over age 65 years
- Booster if travel to endemic area
- India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt
- Nigeria, Niger, Somalia
Hepatitis A Vaccine
- Consider in all travelers with age >1 year
Varicella Vaccine
- Consider if not immune
Pneumococcal Vaccine
- Age over 65 years
- Asplenia, Cirrhosis, Diabetes Mellitus
- Cardiopulmonary illness
- Prolonged travel to remote area
- Significant exposure to animals
Influenza Vaccine
- Travel to northern hemisphere in November to March
- Travel to southern hemisphere in April to September
- Travel near equator, year round
- Immunizations required for entry in some countries
Meningococcal Vaccine
- Travel to "Meningitis belt" of Africa (band from Senegal and Guinea in the east, to Ethiopia in the west)
- http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2016/infectious-diseases-related-to-travel/meningococcal-disease
Yellow Fever Vaccine
- Required in equatorial Africa and South America
- Vaccine certification form may be needed (or provide a waiver)
- Not recommended in pregnancy unless high risk area
- Women should try to delay travel until post-pregnancy
- Special Vaccination Indications
- Contaminated food or water exposure
- Long-term travel
- Place Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD) for baseline
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
- Endemic travel
- Anticipating medical care abroad
- U.S. Immigrants returning to country of origin
- Rabies Vaccine
- Remote travel
- Young or disabled traveler
- Travel to India or southeast asia
- Adult Immunizations Available
- Hepatitis A Vaccine
- Hepatitis B
Japanese Encephalitis
- Travel to endemic regions of Asia and Western pacific (especially rural travel, or duration >1 month)
- Safe in HIV; avoid in pregnancy
- Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine (MMR)
- Meningococcal Vaccine
- Polio Vaccine
Rabies Vaccine pre-exposure
- Travel to Rabies enzootic regions (especially remote travel for extended periods)
- Tetanus Diphtheria Vaccine
- Typhoid Vaccine (Live oral or subcutaneous)
- Yellow Fever
Cholera Vaccine
- Ages 18 to 64 years old traveling to Cholera affected areas to perform high risk activities such as healthcare