
Prevention of Vector-borne Infection


Prevention of Vector-borne Infection, Prevention of Mosquito Bite, Prevention of Tick-borne Infection, Vector-borne Disease Prevention

  • Management
  • General Preventive measures
  1. Insect Repellent
    1. DEET to skin
    2. Permethrin to clothes
  2. Perform tick checks daily after outdoor activity (at least within 36 hours of exposure)
    1. Ticks typically crawl and embed at a constriction point (e.g. skin fold, waist line)
    2. Prompt Tick Removal may prevent disease transmission
  3. Perform tick checks after exposure to host animals: Cats, dogs, mice, cattle
  4. Avoid wooded or grassy areas with large deer population
  5. Sleep in netted or screened area
  6. Minimize exposed skin surface after dark
  7. Avoid swimming or wading in fresh water
  8. Bath and wash hair within 2 hours of spending time in high risk areas
  9. Wash and dry clothes after outdoor exposure
    1. Drying on high heat for 60 minutes kills ticks
  10. Wear long sleeves and trousers
    1. Light-colored clothing
    2. Tuck pant legs into socks
  11. Keep grass mowed and remove leaf litter and wood piles