
Pediatric Emergency Care


Pediatric Emergency Care, Emergency Care of Children, Pediatric Acute Care, Emergency Pediatrics, Emergencies in Children

  • Precautions
  1. Parental concern for serious illness is highly correlated with actual serious illness
    1. Positive Likelihood Ratio >8
    2. Van den Bruel (2007) Br J Gen Pract 57(540):538-46 +PMID:17727746 [PubMed]
    3. Thompson (2012) Health Technol Assess 16(15): 1-100 +PMID:22452986 [PubMed]
  2. Child behavior change after emergency department visits is common
    1. See Childlife Specialist Measures to Calm Children
    2. Behavior changes include anxiety including Separation Anxiety, apathy and withdrawal
    3. Occurs in 20% of children undergoing procedures with or without sedation
      1. Brodzinski (2013) Pediatr Emerg Care 29(10): 1098-101 +PMID:24076612 [PubMed]
      2. McQueen (2009) Ann Emerg Med 54(2): 191-7 +PMID:19464072 [PubMed]
      3. Pearce (2018) Acad Emerg Med 25(3): 267-74 +PMID:28992364 [PubMed]
  • Procedures
  1. Emergency
    1. Emergency Pediatric Dosing (e.g. Broselow Tape)
      1. Avoid calculating doses in your head (using a chart minimizes errors in emergency situations)
    2. Difficult Intravenous Access in Children
      1. Do not delay Intraosseous Access in critically ill children if two failed peripheral access attempts
    3. Clinic Crash Cart
    4. Bag Valve Mask
    5. High Flow Nasal Cannula
    6. Advanced Airway in Children
    7. Pediatric Resuscitation
    8. Advanced Life Support for Newborns
  2. Pain
    1. Procedural Sedation and Analgesia
    2. Pediatric Analgesics
  3. Miscellaneous
    1. Laceration
  • Management
  • Miscellaneous conditions