- Peripheral Parenteral Nutrition
- Delivered via peripheral Intravenous Access
- May be used up to 7-10 days in patients not requiring fluid restriction
- Central Parenteral Nutrition
- Delivered via central venous access
- Indicated in longer term pareteral nutrition needs >7-10 days
- Also indicated in higher concentration formulations (>900 mOsm/L) that allow for fluid restriction
- See Nutrition in the Intensive Care Unit
- Bowel Obstruction
- Enteral feeding not possible or failed trial
- Short bowel syndrome
- Mesenteric Ischemia
- High output gastrointestinal fistula
- Gut failure or Malabsorption
- Transitional-Supplemental
- Perioperatively
- Start TPN 7-10 days before surgery to make difference
- Parenteral Nutrition
- See Refeeding Syndrome
- Biliary disease
- Osteoporosis (and Osteopenia)
- Catheter-related infection
- Central Line Placement related complications (e.g. Pneumothorax)
- Electrolyte disorders
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hepatic Steatosis (adults)
- Thrombosis
- Cholestasis (children)
- End-stage liver disease (50% of adults and children on lon-term Parenteral nutrition)
- Adult Energy Requirements
- See Specialized Nutrition Support
- Lean body wt (LBW)
- Male: 110 + 5 x(number of inches> 60) lbs
- Female: 100 + 5 x(number of inches> 60) lbs
- IF Obese (>130% LBW) then use adjusted weight
- (Actual-LBW) x 0.25 + LBW
- Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE) per 24 hours
- M: BEE=66 + (13.7xWt) + (5xHt) - (6.8xAge) = KCal
- F: BEE=655 + (9.6xWt) + (1.7xHt) - (4.7xAge) = KCal
- Adjust for depletion or disease
- 120-130% BEE is Maintenance
- 150% for stress and depletion
- Calorie requirement (per kg/day)
- Usually 30-35 KCal/kg/day
- Range = 20-40 Kcal/kg/day
- Adult Protein
- RDA = 0.8 g/kg/day
- Stress Adjustment
- 0.7-0.8 g/kg/d Maintenance, healthy, no stress
- 1.0-1.2 g/kg/d Mild stress
- 1.3-1.5 g/kg/d Moderate stress, repletion
- 1.5-2.0 g/kg/d Severe stress, burns
Essential Fatty Acid Requirement
- Estimate 4-10% (2-4% linoleic) of daily calorie need
- Intravenous Electrolyte Requirements
- Electrolytes
- Sodium: 60-100 meq per 24 hours
- Potassium: 60-100 meq per 24 hours
- Calcium 10-15 meq per 24 hours
- Phosphorus 20-45 mMol per 24 hours
- Magnesium 10-20 mEq per 24 hours
- Electrolytes
- Types
- Two in one mixtures (most common)
- Dextrose and Amino Acids
- Separate infusion of fat Emulsion
- Three in one mixtures
- Dextrose, Amino Acids and fat emulsion in same preparation
- Adult 2-in-1 Parenteral Nutrition
- Dextrose 5 to 7 mg/kg/min (<4 mg/kg/min in the critically ill)
- Provides 70-85% of total daily non-Protein energy
- Keep Dextrose concentration <10% in peripheral Parenteral nutrition
Amino Acids
- See See Specialized Nutrition Support for Protein recommendations based on comorbidity
- Amino Acid concentrations vary 3 to 30%
- Avoid high Protein loads (high renal metabolic load)
- Monitor Renal Function
- Sodium: 1-2 meq/kg
- Potassium: 1-2 meq/kg
- Calcium: 10-15 mEq
- Magnesium: 8-20 meq
- Phosphorus: 20-40 mmol
- Chloride: Adjusted per acid-base status
- Acetate: Adjusted per acid-base status
- Trace elements not routinely added (e.g. zinc, Copper, Selenium, chromium, iron, manganese)
- Multivitamin 12: 10 ml (Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, K, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid)
- Fat emulsions 250 ml, 5x/week
- Regular Insulin as needed
- Child 2-in-1 Parenteral Nutrition (up to 50 kg or 110 pounds, then use adult dosing)
- Sodium: 2-5 meq/kg
- Potassium: 2-4 meq/kg
- Calcium: 2-4 mEq/kg for preterm newborns, 0.5 to 4 meq/kg for infants and children
- Magnesium: 0.3-0.5 meq/kg
- Phosphorus: 1-2 mmol/kg for preterm newborns, 0.5 -2.0 mmol/kg for infants and children
- Chloride: Adjusted per acid-base status
- Acetate: Adjusted per acid-base status
- Trace elements not routinely added (e.g. zinc, Copper, Selenium, chromium, iron)
- Children's Multivitamin formulation (1.5 ml for <1kg, 3.25 ml for 1-3 kg, 5 ml for >3 kg)
- Fat emulsions: Start 1 g/kg; increase every 1-2 days in increments of 0.5 to 1 g/kg/day
- Regular Insulin as needed
- Lipid Emulsion
- See Intralipid
- Intravenous fat emulsion (Intralipid) available in 10% (1.1 kcals/ml), 20% (2 kcals/ml) or 30% (3 kcals/ml)
- Smoflipid is an alternative fatty emulsion (fish oil, olive oil, long and medium chain Triglycerides)
- Provided as long chain Triglycerides
- Prevents Essential Fatty Acid deficiency
- Baseline
- Complete Blood Count
- Glucose
- Electrolytes including Magnesium, phosphate, Calcium
- Renal Function tests
- Liver Function Tests including albumin
- Serum Iron
- Vitamin B12
- Vitamin D
- Zinc
- Copper
- Serum Folate
- Body weight
- Monitoring: Initially daily and may transition to weekly checks when stable
- Complete Blood Count
- Glucose (several times daily)
- Electrolytes including Magnesium, phosphate, Calcium
- Renal Function tests
- Liver Function Tests including albumin
- Expect 2-3 fold over baseline with 10-14 days TPN
- Body Weight
- Monitoring: periodic recheck when on longterm Parenteral nutrition
- Multiple Drug Interactions with Parenteral nutrition (consult pharmacy)