
Serum Phosphorus


Serum Phosphorus, Serum Phosphate, Phosphorus, Phosphate ion

  • Physiology
  1. See Calcium Homeostasis
  2. Phosphorus plays a key role in physiology
    1. Bone structure (85% of body Phosphorus, along with Calcium)
    2. Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA)
    3. Nucelosides (ATP, ADP)
    4. Phospholipids (e.g. cell membrane lipid bilayer)
    5. Phosphorylated Proteins and sugars
  • Associated Conditions
  • Abnormal Phosphorus
  1. Rickets in children (Osteomalacia in Adults)
  2. Hematologic abnormalities (RBC and Platelet defects)
  3. Liver dysfunction
  • Labs
  1. Serum Phosphorus
    1. Normal: 2.5-5 mg/dl
  • Causes
  • Abnormal
  1. Serum Phosphorus >5 mg/dl
    1. See Hyperphosphatemia
  2. Serum Phosphorus <2.5 mg/dl
    1. See Hypophosphatemia