• See Also
  1. Rickets (defective bone calcification in children)
  • Definition
  1. Defective calcification of bone matrix in adults
  • Pathophysiology
  1. Defective bone calcification after Growth Plates close
  2. Associated with increased Osteoblast activity
  • Symptoms
  1. Anorexia and weight loss
  2. Muscle Weakness
  3. Bone pain
  • Signs
  1. Skull, spine and Pelvis with deformities
  2. See Vitain D Deficiency
  • Radiology
  1. Pseudofractures (Looser's Zones)
    1. Radiolucent defects of skull, spine and Pelvis
    2. Transverse lines in bony cortex
  2. Vertebral Fractures
  • Management
  • References
  1. Drezner in Goldman (2004) Cecil Medicine, p. 1555-62
  2. Lane in Harris (2005) Kelly's Rheumatology, p. 1485-7