- See Telemedicine
- Patient should expose both Shoulders for exam (e.g. tank top, sports bra)
- Perform observation (see below) with patient turning a full 360 degrees and comparing opposite side
- Patient palpates Shoulder joint at specifically directed points (see below)
- Patient should perform Shoulder Range of Motion (forward flexion, abduction, rotation)
- Test specific Shoulder strength (see below)
- Use Household Item Weights for resistance
- Example: Rotator Cuff Testing
- Supraspinatus Tests
- Patient lifts an object in Shoulder forward flexion (with elbow flexed at 30 degrees)
- Drop arm sign
- Patient fully abducts arm and then adducts arm back into position
- Positive for Rotator Cuff Tear if arm drops suddenly due to pain or weakness
- Infraspinatus and teres minor test (external rotation against resistance)
- Patient lies on unaffected side and externally rotates Shoulder against gravity or with weight
- Subscapularis Test (Apley Scratch Test)
- Patients stands with affected lateral side facing camera
- Patient internally rotates arm with hand against the Scapula
- Patient pushes hand away from the back
- Exam
Inspection and Observation (from all angles and with Shoulder fully exposed)
General appearance (comparing with opposite side)
- Erythema
- Deformity
- Swelling or joint effusion
- Ecchymosis (recent Trauma)
- Overlying skin changes
- Scars suggesting old Trauma
- Observable deformity
- Sternoclavicular Joint
- Clavicle
- Acromioclavicular joint
- Glenohumeral joint (in acute dislocations)
- Asymmetry
- Disuse atrophy of the supraspinatus Muscle
- Chronic Rotator Cuff Tear or Shoulder Impingement
- Efficacy of atrophy as test for Rotator Cuff Syndrome
- Test Sensitivity: 56%
- Test Specificity: 73%
- Shoulder sag
- Cranial Nerve 11 disorder
- Sulcus at glenohumeral joint
- Seen with acute Shoulder Dislocation
- Grading of pain
- No pain: 0
- Mild pain: 1
- Moderate: 2
- Severe: 3
- Technique
- Both Shoulders exposed
- Palpate for atrophy or swelling
- Assess contour of Shoulder
- Palpate for deformity and focal tenderness (palpate for tenderness in both Shoulders)
- Palpate landmarks in order (anterior, medial to lateral, then to Scapular and spine)
- Sternoclavicular Joint
- Clavicle
- Acromioclavicular joint
- Acromioclavicular Joint Osteoarthritis or
- AC Seperation
- Coracoid Process
- Humeral Head
- Glenohumeral joint (in acute dislocations)
- Greater Tuberosity
- Lesser Tuberosity
- Bicipital Groove and Biceps tendon (Bicipital Tendonitis)
- Scapular Spine
- Cervical Spine
- Palpate fibromyalgia Tender Points at occiput and medial trapezius Muscle
- Assess for comorbid Myofascial Pain
- Exam
Specific Shoulder Tests (see categories below for full descriptions)
- Radial Pulses and distal Capillary Refill
Sensory Exam
- C6: Thumb, Index Finger, lateral Forearm (Radial Nerve)
- Dorsal first web space Sensation
- C7: Index, Middle and Ring Fingers, triceps (Median Nerve)
- Thenar eminence Sensation
- C8: Middle, Ring and Little Finger (pinky), medial Forearm (Ulnar Nerve)
- Hypothenar eminence Sensation
Motor Exam
Radial Nerve (C5-C6, C7-C8): Wrist Drop
- Dorsiflexion wrist, fingers against resistance (extensor carpi radialis, extensor digitorum)
Median Nerve (C7, C8, T1): Cannot make 'OK' Sign
- Opposition of thumb and index finger against resistance
Ulnar Nerve (C8-T1): Claw Hand
- Finger abduction against resistance