
Yergason Test


Yergason Test

  • Indication
  1. Assessment for Bicipital Tenosynovitis
  • Mechanism
  1. Evaluates biceps tendon stability in bicipital groove
  • Technique
  1. Patient flexes elbow to 90 degrees
  2. Examiner stabilizes arm
    1. One hand grasps patient's elbow
    2. Other hand grasps patient's wrist
  3. Examiner stresses biceps tendon
    1. Examiner applies downward traction on arm at elbow
    2. Externally rotate patient's arm against resistance
  • Interpretation
  • Signs of Unstable Biceps tendon
  1. Biceps tendon falls out of bicipital groove
  2. Patient experiences pain in region of bicipital groove