
Rotator Cuff Tendonitis


Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, Rotator Cuff Tendinitis, Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy, Shoulder Impingement, Subacromial Bursitis, Subdeltoid Bursitis

  • Course
  1. Step 1: Small cuff tears from repetitive use injury (Athlete, Heavy Laborer)
  2. Step 2: Tendon scarring and thickening
  3. Step 3: Secondary irritation of overlying bursa
  4. Step 4: Thickened tendon and bursa (decreases sub-acromial space)
  5. Step 5: Impingement pain and crepitus (Provoked with abduction)
  • Symptoms
  1. Pain worse at night
  2. Shoulder tenderness and atrophy
  3. Unable to lie on affected Shoulder
  4. Locking Sensation with abduction
  5. Referred pain to deltoid
  6. Patient automatically turns palm up on abduction
    1. Externally rotates Shoulder
    2. Gives rotator cuff more room
  7. Active "palm down" abduction is painful
  • Signs
  1. Supraspinatus insertion maximally tender
  2. Acromioclavicular Joint Pain from degenerative disease
  3. Muscle Strength intact
  4. Pain and crepitation
    1. Pain worse between 60 to 120 degrees abduction
    2. Soft tissue maximally compressed in subacromial space
  5. Shoulder Impingement Signs
    1. See Shoulder Evaluation
  1. Sclerosis at tuberosity may be seen
  2. Hook Acromion (Types 2-3) associated with impingement
  • Management
  1. Relative Rest (avoiding overuse while maintaining range of motion)
    1. Avoid complete rest especially in older patients
      1. Risk of Frozen Shoulder
    2. Avoid excessive use
    3. Avoid all overhead work
    4. Sling for very limited time if necessary
  2. General Measures
    1. NSAIDs
    2. Moist heat applied 4 times daily
  3. Subacromial Corticosteroid Injection
    1. Corticosteroid Injection at subacromial space
  4. Physical Therapy
    1. Local Ultrasound or Diathermy
    2. Phonophoresis (Ultrasound with Cortisone Cream)
  5. Exercise
    1. Shoulder Range of Motion Exercises
  • Prognosis
  1. Anticipate improvement in 3 to 5 weeks
  2. Delayed improvement suggests Rotator Cuff Rupture
  • Management
  • Surgery
  1. Reserved for cases failing conservative treatment
  2. Procedures
    1. Partial acromion excision
    2. Release of obstructive soft tissue
    3. Repair of Rotator Cuff Tears