
Shoulder XRay


Shoulder XRay

  • Indications
  • First-line Shoulder evaluation
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  • Standard
  1. Anterior-posterior (AP)
    1. Arm rotated externally and internally
  2. Lateral
    1. Axillary View (esp. Osteoarthritis, Dislocation)
    2. Scapular Y View
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  • Impingement Series
  1. Anterior-posterior
  2. External rotation
  3. Outlet Y
  4. West Point
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  • Instability Series
  1. Anterior-posterior with and without Rotation
  2. Stryker Notch
  3. West Point
  1. Acromioclavicular Osteoarthritis
  2. Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis
  3. Signs of rotator cuff conditions
    1. Superior migration of humeral head (large Rotator Cuff Tear)
    2. Humeral head cystic changes
    3. Inferior acromion sclerosis
  4. Signs of prior Anterior Shoulder Dislocation
    1. Hill-Sachs Lesion (posterior humeral head indentation)
      1. Impact occurs when Shoulder dislocates anterior to glenoid
  5. Signs of Osteoarthritis
    1. Axillary view best demonstrates joint space narrowing
    2. Subchondral sclerosis and osteophytes may also be seen