
Acromion XRay Findings


Acromion XRay Findings, Acromioclavicular XRay Findings, Hook Acromion

  • Indications
  1. Evaluation for Rotator Cuff Impingement
  2. Acromioclavicular Separation
  3. Acromioclavicular Osteoarthritis
  • Findings
  • Acromion in Rotator Cuff Impingement
  1. Type I: Flat, smooth acromion at clavicular joint
    1. Normal subacromial space
  2. Type II: Hooked acromion
    1. Subacromial space mildly decreased
  3. Type III: Hooked acromion with spur
    1. Subacromial space significantly decreased
  1. Precaution
    1. Acromioclavicular Osteoarthritis is a common incidental finding on XRay
    2. AC degenerative findings in most patients by age 50 years
  2. Findings suggestive of significant joint Osteoarthritis
    1. Distal clavicle lysis
    2. Elevation of distal clavicle