- Two separable arms: right and left
- Shank
- Parallel
- Overlapping
- Arm Locks
- Sliding
- English (Scissors)
- French Lock (set screw)
- Handle
- Shank
- Blade (Tow and heel)
- Blade Curves
- Pelvic curve: blades follow birth canal curve
- Cephalic curve: blades apply well to fetal head
- Blade Shape
- Fenestrated
- Semifenestrated
- Solid
- Blade Curves
- Station (See Fetal Descent)
- Level of fetal head to maternal ischial spines
- High Forceps (Kielland's Forceps)
- Vertex not engaged
- No longer used (historical reference only)
- Mid Forceps (Anderson's or Simpson's Forceps)
- Head engaged (above +2 station)
- Rarely used
- Low Forceps or Outlet Forceps (Wrigley's Forceps)
- Below +2 station
- Rotation <= 45 degrees
- Maternal Distress
- Cardiac disease
- Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
- Chorioamnionitis
- Acute Pulmonary Edema
- Maternal exhaustion
Fetal Distress
- Cord prolapse
- Abruptio Placentae
- Prolonged Second Stage of Labor
- Inadequate contractions
- Ineffective maternal effort
- Malrotation of the fetal head (Occiput Posterior)
- Perineal rigidity
- Epidural Anesthesia
- Preparation for Assisted Delivery
- Preconditions
- Head engaged
- Vertex Presentation
- Head position known
- Complete Cervical dilation to 10 cm
- Rupture of Membranes
- No Cephalopelvic Disproportion
- Bladder empty
- Adequate Anesthesia
- Simpson Forceps commonly used forceps
- Forceps applied across ears to Mandible region
- Apply forceps flat against head then rotate
- Posterior Fontanelle is 1 cm anterior to plane of shank
- Sagittal Suture bisects longitudinal axis
- Handle closes easily
- Traction to head until under Symphysis Pubis
- Rotate handle up
- Scalp visible at introitus
- Do not rotate >45 degrees
- Operative Note Example
- Indication: Maternal exhaustion
- Instrument: Simpson forceps
- Operation: Outlet forceps
- Anesthesia: Local 2% Xylocaine
- Bladder: Via straight catheter
- Blood loss: <500cc
- Infant: Apgars of 8 & 9
- Maternal: Small Episiotomy Repaired with 2-0 Vicryl
- Maternal complications
- Vaginal Lacerations or cervical Lacerations
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Maternal Infection
- Fetal complications: Birth Trauma