- Uterine Rupture
- Uterine Hyperstimulation
- Placental Abruption
- Umbilical Cord accident
- Uteroplacental Insufficiency
- Nonreassuring Fetal Status (preferred term)
- Fetal Heart Tracing suggestive of Fetal Hypoxia or acidosis
- Fetal status
- Confirm findings with alternative monitoring
- Consider fetal scalp electrode
- Response to acoustic or scalp stimulation
- Consider Fetal Scalp pH (pH < 7.20 is abnormal)
- Confirm findings with alternative monitoring
- Maternal status
- Maternal Vital Signs
- Vaginal examination
- Vaginal Bleeding (e.g. Placental Abruption)
- Cervical examination
- Cervical dilation
- Rapid head descent
- Umbilical Cord Prolapse
- Based on Fetal Monitoring
- See NICHD Category
NICHD Category 1: Normal
- Reassuring Fetal Heart Tracing
- Fetal Heart Rate 110-160 bpm with moderate variability and no variable or Late Decelerations
- Continue current management
NICHD Category 2: Indeterminate
- Non-reassuring Fetal Heart Tracing (lacking category 1 criteria without category 3 criteria)
- Variability or accelerations present
- Perform interventions as below
- Reassess after 30 minutes, and resume close monitoring
- Cesarean delivery (or Vaginal Delivery if progressing in active labor) Indications
- Significant decelerations with >50% of contractions for 60 minutes
- Variability of accelerations absent
- Perform interventions as below
- Reassess after 30 minutes, and resume close monitoring
- Cesarean delivery (or Vaginal Delivery if progressing in active labor) Indications
- Significant decelerations with >50% of contractions for 30 minutes
- Persistent NICHD Category 2 tracing with poor variability or accelerations >1 hour
- Deep Decelerations to Heart Rate <70 bpm
NICHD Category 3: Abnormal
- Ominous Fetal Heart Tracing
- Recurrent variable or Late Decelerations, Fetal Bradycardia or sinusoidal pattern with loss of FHT Variability
- See interventions below
- Expedite delivery
- Interventions for Non-reassuring Fetal Heart Tracing
- Maternal position change
- Lateral recumbent or
- Hands and Knees
- Evaluate maternal Vital Signs for serious findings
- Oxygen 8-10 liters per minute by Non-Rebreather Mask
- Intravenous Fluid Resuscitation with 1 Liter crystalloid
- Suppress labor
- Remove Cervadil
- Discontinue Oxytocin
- Consider holding pushing
- Consider Terbutaline SQ 0.25 mg
- Vaginal examination for acute cause
- Consider Amnioinfusion
- Indicated in repeat Variable Decelerations
- Consider expedited delivery
- Obstetrics for expedited delivery
- Neonatology or Pediatrics