- Accuracy of Testing
- Tests with high sensitivity and Specificity
- Biophysical Profile (BPP)
- Tests with high sensitivity (but high False Positives)
- Nonstress Test (NST)
- Contraction Stress Test (CST or OCT)
- Birth Defect Screening
- Antepartum Fetal Assessment
- Intrapartum Fetal Assessment
- Fetal Heart Tracing
- Manual Fetal Scalp Stimulation
- Fetal Acoustic Stimulation
- Other measures that are not often performed
- Fetal Scalp pH Sampling
- Prolonged sample to result time (approaches 18 minutes)
- Inadequate sample rate as high as 10%
- Fetal lactate scalp sampling
- Rapid turn around (2 minutes), but does not alter newborn outcomes
- East (2015) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (5):CD006174 [PubMed]
- Fetal Pulse Oximetry
- Decreases second stage operative Vaginal Delivery rates
- Does not alter newborn outcomes
- East (2006) Am J Obstet Gynecol 194(3): 606.e1-606.e16 [PubMed]
- Fetal Electrocardiograms
- Does not alter newborn outcomes
- No change in Cesarean Section or operative Vaginal Delivery rates
- Belfort (2015) N Engl J Med 373(7): 632-41 [PubMed]
- Neilson (2015) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (12): CD000116 [PubMed]
- Fetal Scalp pH Sampling
- References