- Criteria (2 points for each)
- Fetal Breathing
- Thirty seconds sustained breathing in 30 minutes
- Fetal Tone
- Episode extremity extension and flexion
- Body Movement
- Three episodes body movement over 30 minutes
- Amniotic Fluid Volume
- More than 1 pocket amniotic fluid > 2 cm in depth
Non-Stress Test
- Reactive
- Give 2 points for each positive above
- Biophysical Profile: 8-10
- Low risk or Normal result
- Repeat Biophysical Profile weekly
- Indications to repeat Biophysical Profile bi-weekly
- Gestational Diabetes
- Gestational age >42 weeks
- Biophysical Profile: 8
- Delivery Indications: Oligohydramnios
- Biophysical Profile: 6
- Suspect asphyxia
- Repeat Biophysical Profile in 24 hours
- Delivery Indications
- Repeat Biophysical Profile <= 6
- Biophysical Profile: 4
- Suspect asphyxia
- Delivery Indications
- Gestational age >36 weeks
- Lung Maturity Tests positive (L/S ratio >2)
- Biophysical Profile: 0-2
- Likely asphyxia
- Continue monitoring for 2 hours
- Delivery Indications
- Biophysical Profile <4