• Cost
  • $275
  • Criteria (2 points for each)
  1. Fetal Breathing
    1. Thirty seconds sustained breathing in 30 minutes
  2. Fetal Tone
    1. Episode extremity extension and flexion
  3. Body Movement
    1. Three episodes body movement over 30 minutes
  4. Amniotic Fluid Volume
    1. More than 1 pocket amniotic fluid > 2 cm in depth
  5. Non-Stress Test
    1. Reactive
  • Scoring
  1. Give 2 points for each positive above
  • Interpretation
  1. Biophysical Profile: 8-10
    1. Low risk or Normal result
    2. Repeat Biophysical Profile weekly
    3. Indications to repeat Biophysical Profile bi-weekly
      1. Gestational Diabetes
      2. Gestational age >42 weeks
  2. Biophysical Profile: 8
    1. Delivery Indications: Oligohydramnios
  3. Biophysical Profile: 6
    1. Suspect asphyxia
    2. Repeat Biophysical Profile in 24 hours
    3. Delivery Indications
      1. Repeat Biophysical Profile <= 6
  4. Biophysical Profile: 4
    1. Suspect asphyxia
    2. Delivery Indications
      1. Gestational age >36 weeks
      2. Lung Maturity Tests positive (L/S ratio >2)
  5. Biophysical Profile: 0-2
    1. Likely asphyxia
    2. Continue monitoring for 2 hours
    3. Delivery Indications
      1. Biophysical Profile <4