- $250
- Absolute
- Placenta Previa
- Preterm Prolonged Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)
- Cerclage
- Incompetent Cervix
- Relative
- Multiple Gestation
- History of classic Cesarean Section
- Negative (Normal)
- Adequate contractions:
- Three contractions in 10 minutes
- Each contraction lasts 40 seconds
- No Late Decelerations
- Adequate contractions:
- Positive
- Repetitive, persistent Late Decelerations
- Decelerations with more than half of contractions
- Not due to uterine hyperstimulation
- Negative Contraction Stress Test
- Reassuring for fetal well being for 7 days
- Follow daily Fetal Kick Counts
- Positive Contraction Stress Test
- Hasten fetal delivery