- 1 in 80 white pregnancies
- Dizygotic Twins (66% U.S. twins)
- Fertilization of 2 ova (egg) by 2 sperm
- Dichorionic: Separate chorion (placenta)
- Diamniotic: Separate amnion (amniotic sac)
- Monozygotic Twins (33% U.S twins, identical)
- Division of 1 ova (eggs) fertilized by same sperm
- Ova division <72 hours: Dichorionic, diamniotic
- Ova division 4-8 days: monochorionic, diamniotic
- Ova division 8-13 days: monochorionic, monoamniotic
- Ova division >13 days: Conjoined twins
- Fetus Papyraceous
- One twin does not develop
- Amorphous, shriveled, and flattened twin
- Older mother
- Multiparous mother
- Family History of dizygotic Twin Gestation
- Misdated pregnancy
- Polyhydramnios
- Uterine Fibroid tumors
- Cyst
- Hydatiform mole
- Large Placenta
- Large Fetal Demand
- Large bulk or polyhydramnios
- Placental Insufficiency
- Growth retardation
- Miscellaneous associated conditions
- Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
- Conjoined twins
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- Congenital defect risk doubles in twins
- Umbilical Cord Prolapse
- Fetal Malpresentation
- Placental Abruption
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Locked twins
- Transfusion Syndrome
- Placental AV shunt in monozygotic twins
- Arterial twin
- Pumps blood to other twin
- Starves self
- Other twin
- Bulky and plethoric
- Polycythemic
- Pregnancy
General Measures
- Good diet
- Supplement iron and Folic Acid
- Reduce activity and increase rest
- Clinic visits at least every 2 weeks after 24 weeks
- Cervical checks each visit after 24 weeks
- Preterm Labor Education
- Fetal Movement Counts daily after 32 weeks
Obstetric Ultrasound every 4-6 weeks after diagnosis
- Assess for Placenta Previa
- Assess Fetal Growth
- Follow Fetal Presentation
- Weekly Nonstress Tests after 32 weeks
- Assess fetal well-being
- Predict cord compression
- Perinatology Consultation as needed
- Cesarean Delivery Indications
- Twin A (first twin) not vertex presentation
- Twin B (second twin) not vertex
- External Cephalic Version of second twin fails
- Second twin experiences Fetal Distress
- Breech Delivery not an option
- Mother not willing to undergo Breech Delivery
- Physician discretion
- Fetus <2 kg
- Twin B larger than Twin A
- Vaginal Delivery if First Twin Vertex
- Monitor first twin by Internal scalp electrode
- Monitor second twin by External fetal monitor
- Deliver first twin vaginally (vertex)
- Second Twin Delivery (Do not delay)
- Consider external version of second twin if Breech
- Consider vaginal Breech Delivery for infant >2 kg
- Consider cesarean delivery of second twin