• Definitions
  • Gravida
  1. Gravida
    1. Number of pregnancies regardless of outcome (including current pregnancy)
    2. Each pregnancy counts as 1, regardless of the number of fetuses
  2. Nulligravida
    1. No prior pregnancies
  3. Primigravida
    1. Currently in first pregnancy
  4. Multigravida
    1. Two or more pregnancies (including current pregnancy)
  • Definitions
  • Parity
  1. Parity (or Para, Parous Events)
    1. Number of births after 20 weeks gestation
    2. Multiple Gestation (e.g. twin, triplet) births count as one
  2. Nullipara (or Nulliparous)
    1. No prior births after 20 weeks gestation
  3. Primipara (or Primiparous)
    1. One prior birth >20 weeks gestation
  4. Multipara (or Multiparous)
    1. Two or more births after 20 weeks gestation
  5. Grand Multipara (Grand Multiparity)
    1. Five or more births after 20 weeks gestation
  • Documentation
  • GTPAL Recording System (most common system in U.S.)
  1. Parts
    1. G: Total number of pregnancies (Gravida)
    2. T: Number of FULL TERM deliveries (37-40+ weeks gestation)
    3. P: Number of PRETERM deliveries (20-36 weeks gestation)
    4. A: Number of ABORTIONS and Miscarriages before 20 weeks gestation
    5. L: Number of LIVING Children (this reflects Multiple Gestation births)
  2. Example
    1. G4 P2214 = 4 total pregnancies, 2 term deliveries, 1 preterm delivery (Twin Gestation), 1 Miscarriage, 4 living children
  • Documentation
  • GPA Recording System
  1. Parts
    1. G: Total number of pregnancies (Gravida)
    2. P: Number of births after 20 weeks gestation (Parity)
    3. A: Number of ABORTIONS and Miscarriages before 20 weeks gestation