- Vacuum deliveries accounted for approximately 4% of all live births in 2004
- Contrast with forceps deliveries which accounted for 1% of all live births in 2004
- Vacuum extraction has a 1.7 Odds Ratio of higher failure than forceps
- Failure rates are higher with soft vacuum cups than with rigid vacuum cups
- Rigid vacuum cups fail in 10% of cases
- Soft vacuum cups fail in 22% of cases (but have a lower risk of scalp injury)
- Suspicion of fetal compromise (e.g. nonreassuring Fetal Heart Tones)
- Maternal exhaustion
- Prolonged Second Stage of Labor
- Nulliparous: Failed preogression over 3 hours with Anesthesia and 2 hours without
- Multiparous: Failed preogression over 2 hour with Anesthesia and 1 hours without
Cephalopelvic Disproportion
- Fetal head not engaged
Gestational age earlier than 34 weeks
- Known fetal disorders predisposing to complication
- Bone mineralization disorders
- Bleeding Disorders
- Malpresentation
- Noncephalic presentation
- Face Presentation
- Occipitoposterior presentation is not a contraindication to Vacuum Assisted Delivery
- However, anal sphincter LacerationIncidence approaches 33%
- Vacuum can do as much or more damage as forceps
- Criteria to discontinue (prevent Subgaleal Hemorrhage)
- No progress after 3 pulls
- No baby extraction in 30 minutes after initiation
- Cup disengages 3 times
- Significant fetal scalp or maternal Trauma
- Apply Suction cup during contraction
- Decrease cup pressure to 100 mmHg between contractions
- No traction until cup pressure >400 mmHg
- Gentle steady traction during contraction only
- Maintain pressure of 400 to 600 mmHg
- Apply one hand on vacuum traction handle
- Apply other hand on cup and fetal presenting part
- Maintain suction seal
- Assist slight posterior direction
- Prior to clearing Pubic Symphysis
- Episiotomy at crowning as needed for Fetal Distress
- Remove cup at crowing as Mandible presents
- Perform a thorough exam of mother and baby