- Psychiatric Conditions
- Psychosis for >6 months, with an acute phase lasting one month or more
- Schizophreniform Disorder
- Psychosis Symptoms for >1 month and <6 months
- Consistent with Schizophrenia, but <6 months duration
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Psychosis with active phase symptoms for 1 month with concurrent Mood Disorder
- No Alcohol Dependence
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
- Persistent personality features that do not meet criteria for Schizophrenia and related conditions
Delusional disorder
- Non-bizarre Delusions without Hallucinations for 1 month
- No Alcohol Dependence
- Brief Psychotic Disorder
- Delusions, Hallucinations and Disorganized Speech or behavior for at least one day, but less than one month
- Shared Psychotic Disorder
- Folie a deux
Autism spectrum disorder (or communication disorders)
- Social interaction deficits with repetitive and restricted behaviors
Bipolar I Disorder
- Psychosis with manic phase
- Presents with 7 days or more of elevated or expansive mood, decreased sleep, goal directed activity
Major Depression
- Psychotic depression or drug resistant depression with Psychosis limited to times of Mood Disorder
- Postpartum Psychosis
- Brief Psychotic Disorder onset during pregnancy or within 4 weeks of delivery
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Psychotic symptoms related to reaction to precipitating event
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Significant Obsessions, compulsions or preoccupations related to body or associated repetitive behaviors
- Organic Conditions (Secondary Psychosis)
Drug Induced Psychosis
- See Drug Induced Psychosis
- Medication toxicity
- Substance Abuse
- Medications and Antibiotics (Antibiomania)
- Electrolyte disturbance
- Endocrine and Metabolic disorders
- Hypoglycemia (or Hyperglycemia)
- Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism
- Cushing Syndrome
- ACTH Producing Lung Cancer
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Acute intermittent porphyria
- Adult onset Tay-Sachs
- Wilson Disease
- Infectious disorders
- Sepsis
- HIV Infection
- Syphilis (neurosyphillis)
- Encephalitis
- Neurologic disorders
- Miscellaneous conditions
- Vitamin B1 Deficiency (Thiamine deficiency)
- Vitamin B3 Deficiency (Niacin Deficiency)
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Porphyria
- ICU Psychosis
- Sleep Deprivation (e.g. Sleep Apnea)
- Malignancy
- Ovarian Teratoma
- Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Paraneoplastic limbic Encephalitis
- (2013) DSM V, American Psychiatric Association, p. 99
- (2000) DSM IV, American Psychiatric Association, p. 297-343
- Freedman (2003) N Engl J Med 349:1738-49 [PubMed]
- Griswold (2015) Am Fam Physician 91(12):856-63 [PubMed]
- Holder (2014) Am Fam Physician 90(11): 775-82 [PubMed]
- Schultz (2007) Am Fam Physician 75:1821-9 [PubMed]