Delusions (often bizarre)
Hallucinations (not fantasy)
Disorganized Speech
- Frequent derailment or incoherence
- Conceptional disorganization
- Bizarre disorganized or Catatonic behavior
- Delusions
- Excitement
- Grandiosity
- Suspiciousness or persecution
- Hostility
- Symptoms
Negative (Lack of normal function)
- See Negative Symptoms in Psychosis
- Diminished emotional expression or avolition
- Blunted affect
- Alogia (fewer words spoken)
- Avolition (decreased motivation, decreased goal directed activity)
- Asocial
- Anhedonia
- Symptoms (active phase)
- Two symptoms or more from list above
- At least one positive symptom (Delusions, Hallucinations or Disorganized Speech) AND
- At least one negative symptom OR grossly disorganized or Catatonic behavior
- In DSM IV, one symptom was sufficient if significant, bizarre Delusion or Hallucination (e.g. 2 voices conversing)
- Each symptom present for a significant amount of time during a one month period
- Symptoms may be less prominent during the month if treated
- Severe for at least one month (or less if receiving clinical treatment)
- Impaired social or occupational function
- Continuous signs and symptoms for at least 6 months
- Not due to secondary cause
- Not due to schizoaffective disorder
- Not due to Bipolar Disorder (minimal or no concurrent mania or Major Depression during active phase)
- Not due to Mood Disorder
- Not due to Substance Abuse
- Not due to underlying medical illness
- Not due to pervasive Developmental Disorder
- Not due to Autism, unless Delusions or Hallucinations are prominent