- Elevated in 15-30% of patients with premature CAD
- Folate needed to convert Homocysteine to Methionine
- Initially thought that lowering Homocysteine levels decreased Cardiovascular Risk
- Dose response curve: lowest Folate, Highest risk
- Now Folate supplementation not thought to impact Cardiovascular Risk
- Hyperhomocysteinemia
Vitamin Deficiency
- Folate Deficiency
- Vitamin B6 Deficiency
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency
- Chronic Disease
- Medications
- Anticonvulsants
- Methotrexate
- Nitrous Oxide
- Homocystinuria (Inherited)
- High Homocysteine levels
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Cerebrovascular Accident
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Deep venous thrombosis
- Hypertension
- Dementia may also be related
- Protocol for Blood Total Homocysteine concentrations
- Step 1: Collect
- Draw in tube with Anticoagulant
- EDTA, Heparin, or Sodium Citrate
- Step 2: Process
- Spin sample within 30 minutes of collection
- Otherwise risk of false elevation from RBCs
- Step 3: Storage
- Refrigerate up to 2-3 weeks OR
- Frozen for 2-3 months
- Homocysteine Level Interpretation
- Optimal Homocysteine: <12 umol/L
- Borderline Homocysteine: 12-15 umol/L
- Hyperhomocysteinemia: >15 umol/L
- Homocysteine lowering therapy lowers CAD risk
- Measures to lower Homocysteine levels
- Folic Acid supplementation
- Vitamin B12 Supplementation
- Vitamin B6 supplementation
- References
- Folate Dosing Protocol
- High risk patient with Homocysteine >12 umol/L
- Multivitamin (with 400 ug Folate) qd AND
- Folic Acid 800 ug qd
- Recheck Homocysteine Level in 8 weeks: Normal
- Continue Multivitamin
- Discontinue Folic Acid
- Recheck Homocysteine again in 8 weeks
- Recheck Homocysteine Level in 8 weeks: >12 umol/L
- Continue Multivitamin
- Increase Folic Acid to 2 mg qd for 8 weeks
- Folic Acid is Safe <5mg/day
- Recheck Homocysteine again in 8 weeks
- If normal
- Continue Multivitamin
- Discontinue Folate
- If still increased
- Check Vitamin B6 Level
- Increase Folate to 5 mg/day
- Assess patient compliance
- Test for other causes
- If normal