- Medication Causes of Hypertension
- Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
- Hypertension
- Hypertension Evaluation
- Hypertension Evaluation History
- Hypertension Causes
- Evaluation Exam
- Hypertension Evaluation Labs
- Isolated Systolic Hypertension
- Hypertension Management
- Hypertension Risk Stratification
- Resistant Hypertension
- Antihypertensive Selection
- Hypertension Management for Specific Comorbid Diseases
- Hypertension Management for Specific Populations
- Hypertension Management for Specific Emergencies
- Hypertension in Children
- Hypertension in Infants
- Hypertension in Pregnancy
- Hypertension in Athletes
- Hypertension in the Elderly
- Per AAFP, Blood Pressure target remains <140/90 mmHg for most adults with Hypertension (unless otherwise indicated)
- Lower Blood Pressure goals (e.g. <130/80) do not reduce mortality and increase adverse effects
- Lower Blood Pressure goals may reduce Myocardial Infarctions and Congestive Heart Failure (hence ACC/AHA targets)
- Arguedas (2020) Cochrane Database Syst Rev 12(12):CD004349 +PMID: 33332584 [PubMed]
- Patients with the greatest Cardiovascular Risk have the greatest benefit from Hypertension control
- Hypertension in Adults
- Background
- The Running tally of goal BP changes to guidelines every few years is listed below
- Are these goal changes sound?
- AAFP Guidelines 2022
- Note that AAFP Guidelines diverge from the ACC/AHA 2017 targets of <130/80 for everyone
- BP <140/90 mmHg recommended for most patients
- Targets <140/90 do not reduce overall mortality, require more medications, and risk adverse events (e.g. Syncope)
- BP <135/85 mmHg reduces risk of Myocardial Infarction
- Targets <130/80 reduce Myocardial Infarction risk in 3.7 years (NNT 137)
- SPRINT goals SBP <120 mmHg lowered short-term MI risk, but significantly increased complications
- References
- ACC/AHA Guidelines 2017 with update in 2021 (ADA recommends JNC-8 guidelines)
- BP <120/80 mmHg (normal)
- Goal ideal Blood Pressure
- BP >=120/80 mmHg (elevated)
- Lifestyle changes and evaluate for Medication Causes of Hypertension
- BP >=130/80 mmHg (Stage 1 Hypertension)
- Start Antihypertensives in cardiovascular disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Kidney Disease, >10% CV risk
- Start with nonpharmacologic management (lifestyle changes) in lower risk patients
- After 3-6 months, if persistent BP >=130/80 mmHg, consider Antihypertensive medications
- Added in ACC/AHA guideline update 2021
- BP >140/90 mmHg (Stage 2 Hypertension)
- Start Antihypertensives if not already started
- Also encourage Nonpharmacologic Management of Hypertension (e.g. DASH Diet)
- References
- BP <120/80 mmHg (normal)
- JNC-8 Guidelines (modified as of 2013)
- Criteria
- BP <120/80 mmHg (Normal Blood Pressure)
- BP >120/80 mmHg (Elevated Blood Pressure)
- BP >140/90 mmHg (Stage 1 Hypertension)
- Home Blood Pressures >135/85 (Internation Society Hypertension 2020)
- 24 Hour Ambulatory >130/80 (Internation Society Hypertension 2020)
- BP >160/100 mmHg (Stage 2 Hypertension)
- Goals
- Renal Insufficiency: <140/90 mmHg
- Diabetes Mellitus: <140/90 mmHg
- ADA recommends <140/80 mmHg
- Age >80 years: <150/90 mmHg
- No Diabetes Mellitus or renal disease
- Age <60 years: <140/90 mmHg
- Age >60 years: <150/90 mmHg
- References
- Criteria
- Goal Blood Pressures for Hypertensive Patients (JNC-7 Guidelines)
- Hypertension without Co-morbidity: <140/90
- Diabetes Mellitus: <130/80
- Congestive Heart Failure: <130/80
- Renal Insufficiency: <130/80
- Renal Failure and >1g Proteinuria/24 hours: <125/75
- JNC-7 Blood Pressure definitions
- Optimal Blood Pressure: <115/80
- Normal Blood Pressure: <120/80
- Pre-Hypertension: 120-139/80-89
- Stage 1 Hypertension: 140-159/90-99
- Stage 2 Hypertension: >160/100
- Stages eliminated in JNC-7
- Stage 3 Hypertension: 180-209/110-119
- Stage 4 Hypertension: >210/120
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
- Systolic Blood Pressure: >140 mmHg
- Diastolic Blood Pressure: <90 mmHg
- Hypertension in Children and Adolescents (based on age, height, gender over at least 3 values)
- Normal Blood Pressure
- Blood Pressure <90% for age, height, gender or
- Blood Pressure <120/80 for age 13 years or older
- Elevated Blood Pressure or Prehypertension
- Blood Pressure 90% to 95% for age, height, gender or
- Blood Pressure >120/80 mmHg for age 13 years or older
- Stage I Hypertension
- Blood Pressure 95 to 99% plus 12 mm Hg for age, height, gender or
- Blood Pressure >130/80 mmHg for age 13 years or older
- Stage II Hypertension
- Blood Pressure >99% plus 12 mm Hg for age, height, gender or
- Blood Pressure >140/90 mmHg for age 13 years or older
Hypertensive Urgency
- Systolic Blood Pressure more than 30 mmHg above 95th percentile or
- Systolic Blood Pressure >180/120 mmHg for age 13 years or older
- References
- Age 16-18 years
- Significant Hypertension: BP> 142/92
- Severe Hypertension: BP> 150/98
- Age: 13-15 years
- Significant Hypertension: BP> 136/86
- Severe Hypertension: BP> 144/92
- Age 10-12 years
- Significant Hypertension: BP> 126/82
- Severe Hypertension: BP> 134/90
- Age 6-9 years
- Significant Hypertension: BP> 122/78
- Severe Hypertension: BP> 130/86
- Age 3-5 years
- Significant Hypertension: BP> 116/76
- Severe Hypertension: BP> 124/84
- Age 1 month to 2 years
- Significant Hypertension: BP> 112/74
- Severe Hypertension: BP> 118/82
- Age 8-30 days
- Significant Hypertension: SBP> 104
- Severe Hypertension: SBP> 110
- Age <7 day old
- Significant Hypertension: SBP> 96
- Severe Hypertension: SBP> 106
- Risk Group A - Adults at Low Cardiovascular Risk
- Criteria
- No Cardiovascular Risks (See Risk Group B)
- No Target organ damage or Cardiovascular Disease
- Prehypertension (120-129 / 80)
- Stage 1 Hypertension (130-139/ 80)
- Lifestyle Modification in Hypertension
- Consider Antihypertensive after 3-6 months
- Hydrochlorothiazide is a good first choice in most patients
- Stage 2 Hypertension or greater (>140/90)
- Risk Group B - Adults at Moderate Cardiovascular Risk (or >10% CV risk in 10 years)
- Criteria
- Tobacco Abuse
- Dyslipidemia
- Renal Insufficiency
- Patient age over 60 years
- Male gender of postmenopausal women
- Cardiovascular Family History
- No Diabetes Mellitus
- No Target organ damage or Cardiovascular Disease
- Prehypertension (120-129 / 80)
- Stage 1 Hypertension (130-139/ 80)
- Stage 2 Hypertension or greater (>140/90)
- Risk Group C - Adults at High Cardiovascular Risk (or >20% CV risk in 10 years)
- Criteria
- Target organ damage or Cardiovascular Disease
- Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
- Angina or prior Myocardial Infarction
- Prior coronary revascularization
- Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke or CVA)
- Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
- Nephropathy or Chronic Kidney Disease
- Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Retinopathy
- Cardiovascular Risks (See Risk Group B)
- Target organ damage or Cardiovascular Disease
- Prehypertension (120-129 / 80) or greater
- Lifestyle Modification in Hypertension
- Consider Antihypertensive therapy
- However Blood Pressure lowering <130/80 is associated with adverse outcomes
- Consider Hypertension Combination Therapy if >20/10 over goal