Foot position before heel strike
- Foot supinated
Foot strike
- Heel touches surface
- Longitudinal arch flattens until ligament tightens
- Dissipation of forces along foot and leg
- Foot pronates (40-70% of supporting phase)
- Calf Muscles contract
Foot Takeoff
- Forefoot supinates
- Pearls
Technique Pointers
- Avoid letting hands cross midline while Running
- Run with Forearms parallel to ground
- Maintain looseness, but not floppiness to hands
- Pearls
Pointers from Runners World
- Start Slow and intersperse rest days
- Run your own pace when Running with a group
- Run on scenic courses and while on vacation
- Run to a musical rhythm, song lyrics or poetry
- Vary your pace and distances
- Run without a watch or Heart Rate monitor
- Use Running as an escape from daily worries
- Find a Running partner or dog to run with
- Eat adequate calories and drink adequate fluids
- Reward yourself for meeting certain Running goals
- Consider Relaxation Techniques
- Regularly schedule a sports massage or self-massage
- Yoga
- Consider a Running camp
- Precede Exercise with a cold shower
- Run with a purpose in mind to pass the time
- Identify birds or flowers
- Collect trash
- Mark course with landmarks at kilometer intervals
- Run between specific landmarks or points
- Plan your runs and workouts for a week in advance
- Stop and stretch 5 to 10 minutes into run
- Cover exposed skin
- Vaseline
- Sunblock
- Olive oil
- Layer clothing
- Layer 1 (against skin): polyester or other synthetic
- Layer 2
- Top: Sweatshirt or turtle neck
- Bottom: Long pants or tights
- Layer 3: Windproof nylon or Gore-Tex jacket
- Hat and Mittens: Indicated for Temperature under 30 F
- Start Running into a headwind and return with tailwind
- Avoid injury
- Reduce run time in winter to 80% of summer duration
- Be careful about footing
- Maintain adequate fluid hydration and calorie intake
- References
- USA Today
- Higdon (November 1998) Runners World, p.42-7
- Patrick (February 15, 2001) USA Today, p. 12C