
Thigh-Foot Angle


Thigh-Foot Angle, Thigh to Foot Angle, Tibial Rotation in Children

  • Technique
  1. Patient lies prone (infants in crawl position)
  2. Knees flexed 90 degrees off table
  3. Assess angle between femur axis and foot axis
    1. Femur axis: Line along length of femur
    2. Foot axis: Line from heel through third web space
  • Interpretation
  • Normal
  1. Age 1: -27 to +20 degrees (mean 0 degrees)
  2. Age 3: -15 to +25 degrees (mean 7 degrees)
  3. Age 5: -5 to +30 degrees (mean 12 degrees)
  4. Age 7: 0 to +30 degrees (mean 18 degrees)
  5. Age 9: 3 to +33 degrees (mean 20 degrees)
  • Interpretation
  • Abnormal
  1. Thigh-Foot Angle internal rotation (medial rotation, In-Toeing)> 10 degrees suggests tibial torsion
  • References
  1. Schmale (2003) AAFP Board Review, Seattle