- Performed in one quarter of pregnancies in U.S.
- Indication for Labor Induction
- Estimated fetal weight
- Fetal Position by Ultrasound
- Lung maturity for elective induction before 39 weeks
- Normal Fetal Assessment
- Labor Induction
Rupture of Membranes at term
- See Premature Rupture of Membranes for preterm protocol
- Gestation >39 weeks AND Bishop Score >= 5
- See Cervical Ripening for Bishop Score <5
- Outcomes
- Labor Induction outcomes at 41 weeks are similar to those at 42 weeks
- Post-term pregnancies beyond 42 weeks are associated with increased neonatal morbidity
- (2014) Obstet Gynecol 124(2 pt 1): 390-6 +PMID: 25050770 [PubMed]
- Induction after 39 weeks (compared with 41 weeks) in Nulliparous women had better outcomes
- Fewer C-Sections (NNT 28)
- Decreased Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (NNT 17)
- Less need for newborn respiratory support in first 3 days of life (NNT 83)
- Grobman (2018) N Engl J Med 379(6): 513-23 +PMID: 30089070 [PubMed]
- Risks of contuining pregnancy exceed the risks of induction
- Poorly controlled maternal Hypertension (36 to 38 weeks)
- Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (>37 weeks)
- Severe Preeclampsia (>34 weeks)
- Gestational Diabetes (39 to 40 weeks, earlier if poorly controlled)
- Cholestasis of Pregnancy (36 to 39 weeks)
- Placenta Previa (36 to 38 weeks)
- Placenta accreta (34 to 36 weeks)
- Vasa Previa (34 to 37 weeks)
- Single fetus IUGR (38 to 39 weeks, or 34 to 38 weeks if complicated)
- Twin GestationIUGR (36 to 38 weeks, or 32 to 35 weeks if monochorionic or other complication)
- Twin Gestation dichorionic diamniotic (38 to 39 weeks)
- Twin Gestation monochorionic (34 to 38 weeks if diamniotic, or 32 to 34 weeks if monoamniotic)
- Oligohydramnios (36 to 38 weeks)
- Polyhydramnios (39 to 41 weeks)
- Alloimmunization (37 to 39 weeks)
- References
- Labor Augmentation
Cervical Ripening
- Perform prior to induction if Cervix unfavorable (Bishop Score <5, ultrasound Cervical Length >28 mm)
- Consider Amniotomy
- Oxytocin in Normal Saline Infusion
Oxytocin 10 units in 1000 ml Normal Saline
- Starting rate of 6-12 ml/hour delivers 1-2 mU/minute
- Increasing rate 6 ml/hour delivers another 1 mU/min
Oxytocin 20 units in 1000 ml Normal Saline
- Starting rate of 3-6 ml/hour delivers 1-2 mU/minute
- Increasing rate 3 ml/hour delivers another 1 mU/min
- Low Dose
- See Monitoring below
- Start: 0.5 to 2 mIU/minute
- Increase: 1-2 mU/minute every 15-40 minutes
- Base Pitocin rate changes on contractions
- After 8 mIU/minute, may then increase by 2 mIU/minute
- Maximum: 40 mIU/minute
- High Dose
- Low dose protocol is preferred in all patients (see efficacy below)
- Use only in Nulliparous patients only
- See Monitoring below
- Start: 6 mIU/minute
- Increase: 3-6 mIU/minute every 15-40 minutes
- Maximum: 40-42 mIU/minute
- As of 2019, evidence is against the use of high dose Oxytocin (See efficacy below)
- Maternal Vital Signs
- Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring (CEFM)
- Intrauterine pressure catheter
- Adequate contraction pattern indicators
- Montevideo units >50 mmHg per contraction
- Montevideo units 200-300 mmHg per 10 minutes
- Observe for signs of hyperstimulation
- Fetal Distress
- Tetanic contractions
- Adequate contraction pattern indicators
- Labor Induction
- Low-risk Nulliparous women may benefit from Labor Induction >39 weeks gestation if ripe Cervix
- Labor Augmentation
Oxytocin (Pitocin) is preferred in PROM
- Oral Mifepristone less effective, more side effects
- Wing (2005) Am J Obstet Gynecol 192:445-51 [PubMed]
- High dose Oxytocin Augmentation in Nulliparous women
- As of 2019, studies show no benefit in reduced labor time or reduced cesarean rate
- Low dose protocol is preferred as just as efficacious as high dose, with less tachysystole
- Prichard (2019) J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 32(3): 362-8 [PubMed]
- Budden (2014) Cochrane Database Syst Rev (10): CD009701 [PubMed]
- Early studies suggested decreased labor duration by 2 hours without added risk
- As of 2019, studies show no benefit in reduced labor time or reduced cesarean rate
- Birth pool as effective as Oxytocin Augmentation
- Less pain and less use of epidural analgesia
- Cluett (2004) BMJ 328:314-8 [PubMed]