- Asia has been epicenter of SARS outbreaks
- Coronavirus spread by respiratory droplet transmission
- Fever (Temperature over 100.4 F or 38 C)
- Chills
- Myalgias
- Non-productive Cough
- Headache
- Dizziness
Chest XRay (abnormal in 75% of cases at presentation)
- Patchy consolidation in peripheral lung fields
Chest CT
- Peripheral "ground-glass" opacifications
- Complete Blood Count with Platelets
- Lymphocyte Count >4000/uL or <1500/uL
- Neutrophil Count <2000/uL
- Platelet Count <150,000/mm3
- Cover differential diagnosis
- Empiric treatment for Bacterial Pneumonia
- Non-specific measures used in SARS cases
- Indications
- Fever >48 hours
- Thrombocytopenia
- Leukopenia
- Management
- Indications
- Incubation Period: 2-16 days (mean 5-6 days)
- ICU admission rate: 23%
- Mechanical Ventilation required: 13.8%
- Mortality: 3.6%
- Associated with major comorbidities
- Time at which further hospital transmission unlikely
- Twenty days from last known SARS case onset
- Predictors of worse prognosis
- Advanced age
- Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) increased
- Neutrophilia