- See Hypogonadism
- Axis 1: Hypothalamus or Central
- Anovulation (10% of primary causes)
- Constitutional (6% of primary causes): Family History
- Gonadotropin deficiency such as Kallmann's Syndrome (Rare): Associated with Anosmia
- Axis 2: Pituitary
- Hyperprolactinemia (2% of primary causes)
- Pituitary Tumor (8% of primary causes)
- Pituitary Adenoma (Hormone producing)
- Pituitary Null Cell Tumor (No Hormone produced)
- Empty Sella Syndrome
- Pituitary Tuberculosis
- Pituitary Schistosomiasis
- Axis 3: Ovarian
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (10% of primary causes)
- Findings: Obesity, Hirsutism, and Acne Vulgaris
- Turner Syndrome and Mosaics (30% of primary causes)
- Findings: Short Stature, Web neck, and Shield Chest
- May present as Amenorrhea and Short Stature alone
- Genetic Male (10% of primary causes)
- Gonadal dysgenesis
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (10% of primary causes)
- Axis 4: Uterus
- Mullerian Agenesis (20% of primary causes)
- Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
- Imperforate Hymen
- Transverse vaginal septum
- Complete androgen resistance
- Mullerian Agenesis (20% of primary causes)
- See Amenorrhea
- See Amenorrhea
- See Amenorrhea
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Protocol based on LH, FSH and Pelvic Ultrasound
- Obtain first-line testing as above
- Manage positive Pregnancy Test
- Manage Hypothyroidism
- Manage Hyperprolactinemia
Uterus Present
- Low Serum FSH and Serum LH (Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism)
- GnRH Deficient (rare)
- Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
- Constitutional delay of Puberty
- Normal Serum FSH and Serum LH (Normogonadotropic Hypogonadism)
- Consider Obstruction to flow
- Imperforate Hymen
- Transverse vaginal septum
- Consider Hyperandrogenism (e.g. Hirsutism)
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Adrenal tumor
- Ovarian tumor
- Consider other causes
- See Secondary Amenorrhea
- Delayed Puberty
- New pituitary Tumor
- Consider Obstruction to flow
- High Serum FSH and Serum LH (Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism)
- Reflects Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
- Obtain Karyotype (previously Buccal Smear)
- Karyotype 46 XX
- Pituitary Defect
- Karyotype 45 XO
- Karyotype 46 XX
- Low Serum FSH and Serum LH (Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism)
Uterus Absent
- Obtain Karyotype, Free Testosterone and Total Testosterone
- Female range Serum Testosterone and 46 XX
- Mullerian Agenesis
- Male range Serum Testosterone and 46 XY (genetic male)
- Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (Male Pseudo-Hermaphrodite)
- 5a-Reductase Deficiency
- Protocol based on Growth and Development (Female Tanner Stage, Delayed Linear Growth, Uterus Presence)
- Obtain first-line testing as above
- Manage positive Pregnancy Test
- Manage Hypothyroidism
- Manage Hyperprolactinemia
- Abnormal Breast development and Female Tanner Stage
- Normal Height with low gonadotopins (FSH, LH <5 IU)
- See Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
- Obtain Karyotype (previously Buccal Smear)
- Karyotype normal
- GnRH Deficient (rare)
- Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
- Constitutional delay of Puberty
- Karyotype abnormal
- Pure Gonadal dysgenesis
- Karyotype normal
- Short Height and excess gonadotropins (FSH>20, LH>40)
- See Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism
- Reflects Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
- Obtain Karyotype (previously Buccal Smear)
- Karyotype 46 XX
- Pituitary Defect
- Karyotype 45 XO
- Karyotype 46 XX
- Normal Height with low gonadotopins (FSH, LH <5 IU)
- Normal Breast development and Female Tanner Stage
- See Normogonadotropic Hypogonadism
- Uterus Absent on Ultrasound
- Karyotype (previously Buccal Smear)
- Karyotype 46 XX
- Mullerian agenesis (Mullerian Dysgenesis)
- Serum Testosterone in normal female range
- Karyotype 46 XY (genetic male)
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome (Male Pseudo-Hermaphrodite)
- 5a-Reductase Deficiency
- Serum Testosterone in normal Male range
- Uterus Present on Ultrasound
- Consider obstruction to flow
- Imperforate Hymen
- Transverse vaginal septum
- Consider Hyperandrogenism (e.g. Hirsutism)
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Adrenal tumor
- Ovarian tumor
- Consider other causes
- See Secondary Amenorrhea
- Delayed Puberty
- New pituitary Tumor
- Consider obstruction to flow
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