• Physiology
  1. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a glyoprotein secreted by Basophil cells in the anterior Pituitary Gland
    1. Stimulation (releasing factors)
      1. Hypothalamic Gonadotrophic Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
    2. Inhibition (negative feedback loop to Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland)
      1. Testosterone (Males)
      2. Estrogen
      3. Progesterone
      4. Inhibin
        1. Produced by corpus luteum in women
        2. Produced by spermatogenesis in men
  2. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) effects in women
    1. Stimulates ovarian follicle growth
      1. Ovarian follicle then secretes Estradiol
    2. Functions in concert with LH which stimulates ovarian follicles to ovulate and mature into a corpus luteum
      1. Corpus luteum in turn secretes Estrogen and Progesterone
  3. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) effects in men
    1. Stimulates spermatogenesis and sperm maturation within Sertoli Cells
    2. Functions in concert with LH which stimulates Leydig Cells within Testes to produce Testosterone
  • Labs
  • Normal Levels
  1. Male: <20 mIU/ml
  2. Female: <25 mIU/ml (Higher in mid-cycle surge)
  3. Menopause: 30 to 250 mIU/ml
  4. Indications
    1. Not necessary to confirm Menopause diagnosis