- Androgenic steroid synthesized in males, in the leydig cells of the Testis
- Release is stimulated by Luteinizing Hormone release from the Pituitary Gland
- In a negative feedback loop, Testosterone suppresses release of LF and FSH from the pituitary
- Mechanism
- Activity via Testosterone, or by its conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) irreversibly by 5-alpha reductase
- Responsible for male sex characteristics and male reproductive function
- Facial hair
- Deep voice
- Muscle growth
- Spermatogenesis
- Libido
- Low Levels
- Elevated Levels
- Obtain in the morning (or within 2 hours of awakening) due to circadian variation
- Interpretation
- Normal Levels
- Male: 300 to 1000 ng/100 ml
- Female: <70 ng/100 ml