
Hand Dermatitis


Hand Dermatitis, Foot Dermatitis, Distal Extremity Rash, Acral Skin Lesion, Palm and Sole Desquamation, Palm and Sole Pustules, Palmoplantar Rash

  • Causes
  • Erosion and excoriation
  1. Impetigo or super-infected dermatitis (most common)
    1. Treat with Dicloxacillin or Erythromycin x7-10 days
  2. Scabies
  1. Bacterial Infection (Most common)
    1. Staphylococcus aureus most common cause
  2. Fungi (dermatophytes, tinea)
  3. Psoriasis
  4. Old Blisters collecting debris
  • Causes
  • Solitary or scattered Pustules
  1. Bacterial Infection or Sepsis
    1. Consider NeisseriaGonorrhea, Candida
    2. Culture!
    3. Suspect Sepsis with Hemorrhagic Pustules
  2. Sporotrichosis
  3. Herpes simplex (Whitlow)
  • Causes
  • Pigmented lesions
  1. Acral Lentiginous Melanoma
  2. Racial trait
  3. Postinflammatory pigment
  • Causes
  • Painful palm and sole lesions
  1. Bacterial Endocarditis
    1. Osler Nodes (Painful raised lesions on palms and soles)
    2. Janeway Lesions (Painless hemorrhagic Nodules on palms or soles)