
Psychological Testing


Psychological Testing, Psychiatric Testing, Psychiatric Assessment Scales, Mental Health Evaluation Tools

  1. See Anxiety Scales
  2. Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7)
  3. PROMIS Emotional Distress-Anxiety Short Form for adults
  4. Severity Measure for Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Adults
  5. Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A)
  6. Zung Self Rating Scale for Anxiety
  7. Beck Anxiety Scale
  • Evaluation
  • Competency, capacity and consent for care
  1. Rorschach
  2. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
  • Evaluation
  • Organicity
  1. Bender
  2. Plutchik
  3. Luria-Nebraska
  • Evaluation
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  1. See PTSD Screening
  2. Mississippi Scale for PTSD
  3. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
  4. Sentence Completion Test
  5. Millon
  • Evaluation
  • Personality profile
  1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
  2. Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory
  3. Revised Neo Personality Inventory (NEOPI)
  4. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Evaluation
  • Cognitive Testing and Dementia
  1. Screening
    1. Mini-Cognitive Assessment Instrument
    2. General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG)
    3. Ascertain Dementia 8-Item Informant Questionnaire
    4. Six Item Cognitive Impairment Test (6CIT)
    5. Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
  2. Diagnostic Testing
    1. Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS)
    2. Copland's Short-Test of Mental Status
    3. Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE)
    4. Montreal Cognitive Assessment
    5. Blessed Information Memory Concentration (BIMC)
    6. Blessed Orientation Memory Concentration (BOMC)
    7. Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE)
    8. Cognitive Capacity Screening Exam (CCSE)
    9. Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (MDRS)
    10. Dementia Rating Scale (DRS)
    11. Plutchik Geriatric Rating Scale
  • Evaluation; Neuropsychiatric Testing
  1. Multidomain Test Battery (multiple domain neuropsyhcological testing)
    1. Neuropsychological Assessment Battery
    2. Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
  2. Academic Achievement
    1. Wide Range Achievement Test
    2. Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement
  3. Adaptive and functional living
    1. Independent Living Scales
    2. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
  4. Attention, concentration and working memory
    1. Digit Span Test
    2. Letter-number sequencing
    3. Immediate Memory Index (part of the Wechsler Memory Scale or WMS)
  5. Emotional and functional personality testing
    1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
    2. Personality Assessment Inventory
  6. Executive Functioning
    1. Stroop Test
    2. Trail Making Test
    3. Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
    4. Halstead Category Test (part of Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery)
    5. Mazes Test
  7. Intelligence
    1. Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence
    2. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
  8. Language
    1. Multilingual Aphasia exam
    2. Token test of verbal comprehension
  9. Memory (e.g. paragraph recognition, recall)
    1. California Verbal Learning Test
    2. Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
    3. Wechsler Memory Scale
    4. Selective Reminding Test
      1. Differentiates early Alzheimer's from normal ageing
      2. Consonant trigrams interruptive memory
    5. Cal Verbal Learning Test (modification of Henri Ray)
      1. Tests word list recall, recognition, and cued recall
  10. Mental Processing Speed
    1. Digit Symbol-Coding
    2. Symbol Search
  11. Premorbid Estimation
    1. National Adult Reading Test
    2. Test of Premorbid Functioning
  12. Validity
    1. Test of Memory Malingering
    2. Word Memory Test
  13. Verbal Functions including fluency
    1. Boston Naming Test
    2. Controlled oral word association test (e.g. Words starting with F)
    3. Category Fluency Test (e.g. Name Fruits, Vegetables)
  14. Visuospatial Functions
    1. Block Design test
    2. Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial
  • Resources
  1. Psychiatric Depression Scales Resource
    1. http://neurotransmitter.net/depressionscales.html