• Exam
  • Intellectual Functioning
  1. Fund of knowledge
    1. Number of weeks in a year?
    2. How many nickels in $1.15?
    3. Name the last 5 presidents? (impacted by educational status)
  2. Calculations
    1. Serial 7s
      1. Subtract 7 from 100, then from 93, 86, 79, 72, 65, 58, 51, 44, 37, 30...
    2. Serial 3s
      1. Subtract 3 from 20, then from 17, 14, 11, 8, 5
    3. Simple calculations
      1. Multiply 2x3, 5x3, 4x7
  3. Other Executive Function tests
    1. Sequencing, Organizing, Abstracting, and Planning
    2. Clock Drawing Test
    3. List Making
      1. Name as many animals you can in 1 minute
    4. Budget and plan
    5. Concept of yesterday, today and tomorrow
  • Exam
  • Other areas that overlap with Intellectual Functioning
  1. Motor
    1. See Apraxia
  2. Language and communication
    1. See Dysarthria
    2. See Aphasia
    3. See Thought Content
    4. See Disorganized Speech
    5. Assess Naming, Reading, Writing
  3. Visual-spatial
    1. Copy a figure
    2. Clock Drawing Test
  4. Attention and Concentration
    1. See Attention and Concentration
    2. Digit Span Test
    3. Random Letter Test
    4. Spell WORLD Backwards
  5. Abstract Reasoning
    1. Describe similarities (e.g. apple and orange)
  6. Memory
    1. See Memory Evaluation
  • References
  1. Zum, Swaminathan and Egan in Herbert (2014) EM:Rap 14(7): 11-13
  2. Tomb (1992) Psychiatry, 4th Ed, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, p. 6-11