Informed Consent
Informed Consent
, Personal Autonomy, Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Social Justice
See Also
Consent for Treating Minors
Against Medical Advice
Decision-Making Capacity
CURVES Mnemonic for Capacity Assessment
Medical Elopement
Competency Hearing
Risk Management
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Informed Consent
Patient willingly participates in medical therapy
Requires understanding what is involved with the proposed therapy
Personal Autonomy
Given capacity, patients may make medical decisions for themselves
Patients are given adequate information about their condition and treatment options to make an informed decision
Medical care given provides more benefit than harm
Avoiding both intentional and unintentional harm to patients
Social Justice
Medical professional duty to promote fair health care resource allocation and delivery
Requirements for valid Informed Consent
Informed Consent should be obtained by the provider performing the procedure
Patient (or their proxy) must have
Medical Decision-Making Capacity
Medical Decision-Making Capacity
CURVES Mnemonic for Capacity Assessment
Communicates choices
Understands relevant information
Reasons with logical, rational choices
Values of patients are consistent with their choices
Patient must be given sufficient information including treatment risks and benefits
Patient makes decision without coercion and with adequate information about alternatives to proposed procedure
Decision must be stable over time with the patient likely to consistently make the same decision if asked a second time
Criteria for treating a patient without Informed Consent (all must be present)
Patient does not have adequate
Decision-Making Capacity
(e.g. unconscious or
No surrogate decision maker or legal document is available AND
Situation is true emergency with threat to life or limb
Approach to documentation
Medical Documentation
Obtain written Informed Consent for procedures including contingency plans and document that consent was obtained
Document patient refusal of recommended important clinical interventions in high risk conditions
Obtain signature for refusal
Against Medical Advice
Seeyave, Sherman and Ward (2020) Crit Dec Emerg Med 34(1): 19-25
Weinstock and Henry in Herbert (2018) EM:Rap 18(1): 19-21
Bradford-Saffles and Arambasick (2013) Crit Dec Emerg Med 27(6): 11-5
Henry (2013) Avoid Being Sued, EM Bootcamp, CEME
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