- Leaving AMA
- Substance Abuse
- Uninsured or insured on Medicaid
- Male
- Young to middle aged adults (ages 15 to 40 years old)
- No primary care provider
- Abdominal Pain
- Approach to AMA Decisions (or Informed Refusal)
- Focus on protecting the patient from harm
- This will in turn be the best protection for the provider
- Establish trust with patient
- Focus on open communication and active listening (understand patient's concerns and expectations)
- Maintain a good rapport with the patient
- Allow them to feel that you respect them
- Use layman's terms when discussing medical condition, evaluation and treatment options
- Patients may refuse some or all of a providers recommendations and still remain under their care
- Offer alternatives to recommended treatment plan that allow the patient to make choices
- Negotiate for time for patient to make informed decision
- Apologize for patient waits and delays in care
- Invest time in understanding patient's viewpoint, concerns and fears
- "How can I better address your concerns today?"
Shared Decision Making is an alternative to AMA
- Non-high risk patients may choose to defer part of the evaluation to future visits
- Often cost implications may lead a patient to prefer continuing the evaluation outpatient
- Shared Decision Making requires reasonable, safe alternatives
- Employ a family member to discuss risks and benefits further with patient
- Employ collaborative approach among available staff
- Nurses
- Attending medical provider
- Social workers
- Documentation of AMA Decisions (or Informed Refusal)
- Document adequate Decision-Making Capacity
- See Medical Decision-Making Capacity
- See CURVES Capacity Assessment Tool
- Adult with no Altered Level of Consciousness and Clinically Sober
- Intact judgment and reason consistent with the facts and their values
- Patient understands the condition and treatment in their own context and communicate their choices clearly
- Patient does not meet the criteria for an emergency hold (involuntary treatment)
- Patient does not pose a clear danger to themselves or others
- Patient is capable of caring for themself
- Document provider's discussion with patient (explained to the patient in lay language)
- Why staying in medical facility and undergoing recommended management is important
- Fully disclose to the patient their diagnosis and severity of illness
- Review the recommended management plan and benefits of treatment
- Why leaving presents a serious and immediate health risk
- Specifically describe possible consequences including death
- Review potential disabilities (e.g. blindness, amputation, Infertility)
- Avoid scare tactics or punitive statements (e.g. insurance will not pay for the visit)
- What reasonable options exist for evaluation and management
- Patient is encouraged to return at any time
- Confirm that the patient no longer wishes to participate in your care plan (termination of duty)
- Ask the patient to repeat back the potential consequences of Leaving AMA
- Patient explains their diagnosis
- Patient expresses the potential consequences of Leaving AMA
- Why staying in medical facility and undergoing recommended management is important
- Document exact wording of discussion
- Document which family members were present for the discussion
- Nurses should also document their interactions and measures
- AMA Form (Release of Responsibility Form)
- The AMA form does not replace careful documentation as described above
- Obtain a signature from the patient
- If patient refuses signature, obtain signature by witnessing family member, nurse or other witnessing staff
- In legal practice, AMA form signature does not truly shield a hospital or provider from law suit
- The AMA form does add additional evidence in support of the provider
- Providers attempt to communicate with the patient
- Nullifies the medical provider's duty to treat (established when patient sought care)
- Establishes affirmative defense (justification) - patient now assumes responsibility for outcome
- Requires that the patient understands and voluntarily accepts the risk
- Evidence in medical record that the patient declines care
- May establish contributory negligence
- Patient's failure to accept reasonable care that other rational people would normally accept
- Levy (2012) J Emerg Med 43(3): 516-20 [PubMed]
- Example
- Patient is leaving Against Medical Advice.
- They have Medical Decision-Making Capacity and understand the risks of leaving.
- Risks include permanent Disability and death in the immediate future
- I have answered their questions and offered them care at any time if they choose to return.
- I have also recommended that they pursue follow-up with their primary care provider.
- Disposition
- Treat AMA as a discharge process
- Sit down and answer questions
- Arrange reasonable follow-up plan
- Medications may be offered that will benefit the patient (but that will not mask worsening or complications)
- Give the patient formal Discharge Instructions
- Welcome them to return at any time
- Leaving AMA does NOT bar the patient from future care
- Children
- See Consent for Emergency Services for Children
Caregivers are refusing treatment against the better interest of the child's health
- See Consent for Emergency Services for Children regarding Nonmaleficence
- In unclear cases, act in the best interests of the patient to prevent harm
- Emergency interventions against parental religious objections has been reviewed elsewhere
- Child is being treated against their wishes
- Document and discuss the reasons for treatment and the risks of not treating
- Emancipated or mature minors may have capacity to make their own medical decisions
- Disposition
- Consider Child protective services contact if suspected abuse or neglect
- Poor patient outcomes
- Lawsuit
- Risk of lawsuit is increased 10-100 fold in AMA cases (rate as high as 1 lawsuit in every 300 AMA cases)
- Return within 30 days
- Often requires hospitalization in return
- Associated with increased morbidity and mortality
- Southern (2012) Am J Med 125(6): 594-602 [PubMed]
- Glasgow (2010) J Gen Intern Med 25(9): 926-9 [PubMed]
- ALiEM: Proper Way to Go AMA (Matthew DeLaney, MD)
- Medscape: The Importance of a Proper AMA Discharge
- Arredondo, Vezzetti and Allen (2020) Crit Dec Emerg Med 34(8): 15-21
- Bradford-Saffles and Arambasick (2013) Crit Dec Emerg Med 27(6): 11-5
- Lin and DeLaney in Herbert (2014) EM:Rap 14(9): 1-2
- Henry (2013) Avoid Being Sued, EM Bootcamp, CEME
- Orman, Weinstock and Rogers in Herbert (2017) EM:Rap 17(8): 7-9
- Weinstock and Claudius in Swadron (2023) EM:Rap 23(9)