- Screening and Monitoring of Anxiety Disorder
- Answers
- Not at all: 0
- Several days: 1
- More than half the days: 2
- Nearly every day: 3
- Over the past 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems
- Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge
- Being unable to stop or control worrying
- Worrying too much about different things
- Having trouble relaxing
- Being so restless that it is hard to sit still
- Becoming easily annoyed or irritable
- Feeling afraid, as if something awful might happen
- GAD-2
- First 2 questions above are each scored with one of 4 answers above
- Total score >3 suggests Anxiety Disorder or Panic Disorder
- GAD-7
- All 7 questions above are each scored with one of 4 answers above
- Initial Diagnosis
- Score >8: Consistent with Anxiety Disorder or Panic Disorder
- Monitoring
- Score 5-9: Mild Anxiety
- Score 10-14: Moderate Anxiety
- Score >15: Severe Anxiety
- GAD7