Opioid Overdose
- Respiratory depression (esp. Respiratory Rate <9 breaths/min or increased EtCO2)
- Sedation
- Hypotension
- Hypoperfusion
Opioid Examples Reversed by Naloxone
- Heroin
- Methadone
- Pentazocine
- Propoxyphene
Opioids Requiring Increased Naloxone Dosing
- Propoxyphene
- Pentazocine (Talwin)
- Buprenorphine (Subutex)
- Pure opioid Antagonist
- Action in under 2 minutes
- Effect lasts 45 minutes
- Onset: 1-2 minutes
- Duration: 1-2 hours
- General
- Route:
- Reliable: IV, IO, and ET
- Erratic absorption: IM and SQ
- Single dose
- Child
- Under 5 years (under 20 kilograms): 0.1 mg/kg
- Over 5 years (over 20 kilograms): 2.0 mg
- Adult
- Dose: 0.4 to 2.0 mg IVP
- Start with 0.4 mg if suspecting severe withdrawal
- Child
- Repeat dosing
- May repeat at 2-3 minutes intervals
- Maximum total dose: 10 mg (adults)
- Infusion (for long acting Narcotic reversal)
- Dose: 0.04 to 0.16 mg/kg/h
- Indication-based dosing
- Respiratory depression: 0.4 mg IV
- Cardiac Arrest: 2 mg IV (if possible Overdose induced Cardiac Arrest)
- Concern for Opioid Withdrawal (slow titration method)
- See below
- Home Prescriptions
- As of 2023, Naloxone 4 mg nasal spray will be available OTC ($50 per 2 dose pack)
- (2023) Presc Lett 30(5): 26
- Indications: Highest risk patients (but any patient on Chronic Opioids is at risk)
- Morphine Equivalent dose >50 mg/day (e.g. Oxycodone 35 mg/day, Fentanyl 25 mcg patch)
- Substance Use Disorder or history of Overdose
- Long-acting Opioid use
- Transitioning Between Opioids
- Concurrent use with other CNS Depressants (e.g. Benzodiazepines or Alcohol)
- Comorbidities (e.g. Sleep Apnea, COPD, Asthma)
- Background
- Caregivers or family members could administer the Naloxone in case of Overdose
- Risk of withdrawal symptoms
- Patients should be brought to medical facility after use of Naloxone, as Half-Life of Opioid may exceed 60-90 min
- Naloxone dose may be repeated in 2-3 minutes if no effect with first dose
- Home rescue Naloxone may curb the >40 daily lethal Opioid Overdoses in the U.S.
- Supply patients with 2 doses to be used in case of Overdose
- Auto-Injector
- Dose: 0.4 mg IM/SQ delivered by autoinjector
- Very expensive (2 injectors for $600, as high as $4100 for Evzio)
- Resources: FDA
- References
- Narcan Nasal Spray ($125)
- Does not need to be inhaled to be effective
- Kloxxado Nasal Spray ($130 for 2 doses)
- Contains 8 mg per nasal spray instead of typical 4 mg per nasal spray
- However, no obvious advantage to 8 mg dose with higher risk of severe withdrawal
- If higher dose is needed, 4 mg spray may be repeated (but typically the duration, not dose is a factor)
- (2021) Presc Lett 28(10): 59
- Custom Naloxone Home Rescue Kit (compounded by pharmacy)
- Take-Home Naloxone Kit
- Kit given to patient in the Emergency Department at discharge (instead of prescription)
- Prescriptions have low fill rates (2%)
- Take-home kits have been associated with 20-30% reduction in mortality for high risk patients
- Pensa and Stader (2022) EM:Rap 22(2): 11-2
- Myth busting
- References
- (2018) Presc Lett 25(6): 33
- (2016) Presc Lett 23(1): 2-3
- (2016) Presc Lett 23(8)
- Very Low Dose Naloxone Protocol (slow titration method)
- Indications: Prevent severe Rebound Pain that would occur with complete Opioid reversal
- Prepare a 0.04 mg/ml Naloxone solution
- Start with one Naloxone ampule 0.04 mg/ml
- Add saline to make total dose of 10 ml
- Dosing protocol
- Administer 1-2 ml (0.01 to 0.04 mg) or 1.5 mcg/kg IV or IM
- Repeat dose every 3-5 minutes as needed
- Titrate dose to Respiratory Rate and mental status
- Recurrence of Opioid Intoxication
- Caution in pregnancy
- Risk of Preterm Labor or Hypertensive Crisis
- Infants born to addicted mothers may experience neonatal abstinence syndrome (acute withdrawal, Seizures)
- Caution in Opioid Dependence
- Limit Naloxone use to apnea
- May precipitate Opioid Withdrawal
- Consider restraining patient Overdose prior to administration
- Naloxone may act as Sympathomimetic
- May theoretically exacerbate myocardial irritability
- Naloxone Injection (DailyMed)
- Naloxone Nasal Spray (DailyMed)