- Background
- Hand dominance
- Occupation and hobbies
- Mechanism
- Past medical history
- Last tetanus Immunization
- Prior Hand Injuries
- Medications and Allergies
- General
- See Hand Exam
- See Wrist Injury and Wrist Exam
Hand Position of Function
- Inability to perform is a red flag
- Observe for isolated finger flexion (extensor Tendon Injury)
- Observe for isolated finger extension (flexor Tendon Injury)
- Flex fingers against palm
- Finger tips should align to Scaphoid
- Skin changes
- Capillary Refill should be <2 seconds
- Anhidrosis, blanching, hyperemia of involved finger
- Tendon evaluation
- Extend DIP joint of affected finger only
- Flex PIP joint of affected finger only
- Flex DIP joint of affected finger only
Neurologic Exam
- Sensory: Two Point Discrimination: <6 mm is normal
- Ulnar Nerve
- Median Nerve distribution
- Radial Nerve distribution
Motor Exam (against resistance)
- Finger abduction (Ulnar Nerve)
- Oppose thumb to index finger (Median Nerve)
- Wrist extension (Radial Nerve)
- Sensory: Two Point Discrimination: <6 mm is normal
- Specific Findings
- Interphalangeal Dislocation
- See Scaphoid Fracture
- See Metacarpal Fracture
- Loss of 4th or 5th MCP knuckle prominence
- Phalangeal Fractures
- Tendon Avulsions and Injuries
- Flexed DIP
- Hyperextended DIP (especially ring finger)
- Swollen PIP with dorsal tenderness
- Swollen PIP with volar tenderness
- Flexor Surface Injury at the PIP Joint (PIP Joint Volar Plate Injury)
- Complication: Extension deformity
- Game Keeper's Thumb
- Hori (2015) Crit Dec Emerg Med 29(3): 2-7