- Maternal Antibody Formation to fetal Rh
- IgM (Agglutinates in Normal Saline) forms in 7 days
- Does not cross placenta
- IgG (Agglutinates in Albumin) forms in 21 days
- Crosses placenta easily
- IgM (Agglutinates in Normal Saline) forms in 7 days
- Results in Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
- Neonatal Hemolytic Anemia
- Fetal hydrops
- RhoGAM (xD) Administration to Rh Negative Mother
- Standard Timing
- Week 28 gestation
- Postpartum (under 3 days postpartum if baby Rh+)
- Additional Indications
- Placenta Separation
- Labor Third Stage
- Termination or Spontaneous Abortion after 6 weeks
- Rh Isoimmunization Risk 1.5 to 2%
- Risk increases to 4 to 5% with Dilation and Curettage
- Antepartum bleed
- Abruptio Placenta
- Abdominal Trauma
- Procedures (Give RhoGAM within 72 hours of procedure)
- Amniocentesis or Cordocentesis
- Chorionic Villus Sampling
- External version
- Standard RhoGAM Dosing
First Trimester Bleeding or Late Pregnancy Bleeding
- RhoGAM dose based on Kleihauer-Betke Test
- Rh Negative mother
- Consider checking Rh type of father if paternity sure
- Indirect Coombs Test for Rh Antibodies
- At Delivery: Test fetal blood
- Maternal blood Sheep Rosette if fetus Rh Positive
- Sheep Rosette test results
- Negative: Give 300 mcg RhoGAM
- Positive: Kleihauer Bettke based Rh vial numbers
Fetal Ultrasound: signs of Fetal hydrops
- Fetal Ascites
- Scalp edema
Amniocentesis (replaced by MCA-PSV in most cases)
- Obtain every 1-3 weeks when fetus > 26 weeks
- Follow Bilirubin level in amniotic fluid
- Liley Curve directs management per Gestational age
Middle Cerebral Artery Peak systolic velocity (MCA-PSV)
- Best noninvasive marker for fetal Hemoglobin level
- Depends on accurate gestation age
- Reliable from 18-35 weeks
- Interpreted on curve to determine severity
- Genotyping
- Determines if fetus at risk of Rh Sensitization
- Previously required Amniocentesis
- Now cell free fetal DNA detected in maternal serum
- Neonatology Consultation
- Corticosteroids may be indicated
- Phenobarbital may be indicated
- Consider reducing maternal antibodies <18 weeks
- Plasmapheresis of maternal serum or
- Intravenous IgG
- Consider early delivery (32-35 weeks)
- Do not wait for Fetal hydrops
- Intrauterine transfusion via Ultrasound guidance
- Indicated for severe cases based on testing above
- Intravascular fetal transfusion via Umbilicus
- Intraperitoneal transfusion
- Poorly absorbed in Fetal hydrops
- Indicated for severe cases based on testing above