- Conjugated protein Vaccine
- Individual Vaccinations
- PRP-T (ActHIB or Hiberix)
- PRP-OMP (PedvaxHIB)
- Stronger immune response with first dose
- Preferred in high risk communities
- American Indian or Alaska native
- Asplenia or Immunosuppression
- Standard Combination agents (most common delivery for U.S. Primary Series)
- Other combinations (limited use)
- Hib/MenCY (Menhibrix)
- Dose 1: Age 2 months
- Dose 2: Age 4 months
- Dose 3: Age 6 months (dose 3 is skipped if using PedvaxHIB for all other 3 doses)
- Dose 4: Age 12 to 15 months
- Decreased Incidence by 99% since Hib Vaccination began in 1989
- Previously Hib was most common cause of Meningitis and invasive disease <5 years old
- No serious side effects
- Fever
- Irritability
- References
- Immunocompromised State
- Immunocompromised state requires additional Hib doses (esp. if age 12 to 59 months)
- Conditions required additional Hib Vaccine doses (see CDC guidelines)
- Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant
- Anatomic Asplenia or Functional Asplenia (e.g. Sickle Cell Anemia)
- Elective Splenectomy
- HIV Infection
- Immunoglobulin Deficiency or Early component complement deficiency
- CDC Immunization Schedules (last accessed 10/28/2020)