- Take pill at bedtime, or at a meal
- Use Low Estrogen pill (e.g. Loestrin 1/20)
- Fluid Retention
- Change to OCP with the following characteristics
- Low Estrogenic Activity (or low Estrogen dose)
- Examples
- Appetite too active or weight gain
- Change to OCP with the following characteristics
- Low Estrogenic Activity (or low Estrogen dose)
- Low Androgenic Activity
- Examples
- Discontinue Oral Contraceptive
- Consider Mini-Pill (Progestin only)
- See Major Depression Management
- Change to OCP with the following characteristics
- Adjunctive Measures
- Pyridoxine 20 mg bid
- See Also Menstrual Migraine
- Do not use Oral Contraceptives in women who have Migraine with Aura (risk of stroke)
- Consider Progestin-Only Pill (Mini-Pill) or Intrauterine Device as alternative
- Characteristics
- More common during the first cycle of Oral Contraceptives
- More common in women over age 35 years
- Management: General
- Change to OCP with low Estrogenic Activity (or low Estrogen dose)
- Examples
- Loestrin 1/20
- Progesterone Only OCP
- Avoid triphasic Oral Contraceptives
- Continuous Cycle or Seasonal Contraception (84 days OCP with 5 days withdraw)
- Indicated for Menstrual Migraine
- Management: Headache during the Placebo week
- Miscellaneous adverse effects
- Decreased Libido
- Increase Androgenic Activity
- Moodiness
- Lower Estrogenic Activity
Dry Eyes
- Increase Progestin Activity (Progestin dominant pill)
- Cerel-Suhl (1999) Am Fam Physician 60(7):2073 [PubMed]
- Speroff (1993) Obstet Gynecol 81:1034-47 [PubMed]
- Dickey (1998) Managing Contraceptive Pill Patients