
Epidemic Pleurodynia


Epidemic Pleurodynia, Devil's Grip, Bornholm Disease, Dabney's Grip

  • Epidemiology
  1. Acute Viral Infection of skeletal Muscle
    1. Coxsackie Virus B or Echovirus most common
  2. Sporadic person to person transmission
  3. May occur in epidemics
  • Symptoms
  1. Viral Prodrome
  2. Sudden onset sharp stabbing, catching Chest Pain
  3. Paroxysmal episodes
    1. Lasts 2-10 hours
    2. May recur over a 3 week period
  4. Initial diaphoresis and severe Chest Pain
    1. Difficult to distinguish from Myocardial Infarction
  • Signs
  1. Fever (over 38 degrees Celsius)
  2. Cutaneous Hyperesthesia over involved Muscles
  3. Pleural rub (rare)
  • Diagnosis
  1. Electrocardiogram normal
  2. Chest XRay normal
  3. Viral Cultures positive (throat or stool)